December 14, 2019

The Poverty Challenge - The Sims 2 - Part V

Welcome to Part V of the Poverty Challenge featuring game play in The Sims 2!  This story had fallen into showing births and birthday...a 'lil too much!  Will try jazz it up some this chapter!

Day 58

Here we see Sheena on the left and Sydney on the right having a good morning chat before heading off to school.  The girls will cake up in three days!  What fun!  Oh, and that is their little brother Seymore taking a snooze.

How were the grown ups getting on?

Taking care of four children is taking it'st tole on Shona and Sammy.  The garden was neglected..

The plumbing was breaking down...

And Shona recruited friends to help out when ever possible.

Flynn and Louisa must have had their "sister in distress" radar going...because they both dropped by unannounced this day.  Really cheered Shona up.  Oh my, look how tired she is.

Day 59

It was a quiet day.  Sammy and Shona grabbed sleep whenever they could.  Sammy was off work so was able to get caught up with rest.  Pascal still hung out, never went home and fished all day and into the night.  Crazy guy!

Day 60

It was an active day at the Rileys!

Woah!  Another little Riley on the way!

Shona had been doing a little midnight fishing, and headed inside to make breakfast for her large family.

OOOhhh nnnooOOO!  The stove caught on fire whist Shona attempted omelets.  It was the same as when the fire took little just would not go out!  It burned the stove, a counter, and the fridge.  Sammy worked so hard to extinguish the fire.

*ASimWen having flashbacks of losing Eva*  The kids kept getting so close to the fire!  But it eventually went out. Sammy was exhausted and headed right for the bathtub.  Strange, but nothing burned to ashes.  The family did not have to replace anything.

The girls returned home from school and fought over who would get the bathe first, use the toilet first.  They were stinky from the morning kitchen fire.  Then their cake up notices popped.  Knowledge Sim Sheena on the left, and Romance Sim Sydney on the right.  They both had good growing up, and little a townie...grew up to teen with Sheena as she had come over one day after school.

Sian and Seymore also had their cake up warning.  Oh no...Sian did not grow up well.  She was so disappointed and complained afterward.  Seymore was happy!  Yay!

Just when the day was winding down....

A fight broke out between Sian and Seymore.  *checks nice/not so nice points*.  Ok  Seymore only has one nice point so he is pretty mean.  Fighting with his 6 points of nice sister Sian.

Kicking her when she was already down from having a poor growing up....  Seymore is rather pleased with himself.

Day 61

Alrightie then.  These look like the same two girls, but they are not.  Louisa came home in the carpool with Sammy, and Eva came home on the bus with Sheena.

Day 62

Hello new baby brother Stephen!  The kids had to head for school almost right away after Steve's birth.

Sheena and Sydney assumed many of the household chores whilst Shona helped Sian and Seymore with their homework.  Yes, that is Buck Grunt standing in the middle of the kitchen playing with the cat.  He came over on the school bus.

Day 63

It was Saturday and the kids decided to head to the rest stop to eat and play on the playground.  Flynn was there who had a great time getting caught up with his nieces and nephew.  That odd character Vidcund Curious was there.


Sagittarius - Knowledge

Later that evening Stephen's cake up notice popped.  Go you, Stephen!

Day 64

Nothing of note happened this day.  It was living...Louisa came over again and was influenced to fix the TV which had been broken for days.  It was surprising that she was able to fix it, as she has zero mechanical skills.  Shona's belly grew bigger and bigger...could she be carrying two?

Oh did I not mention she was pregnant again?  She became pregnant straight away after Stephen's birth.  Speaking of Stephen, he actually has a chance to learn all his toddler skills.  It is now autumn when learning is quicker, and has plenty of siblings to help him learn.

Day 65

Alrightie then.  Two more kids...boys this time.  Sammy was at work, and all the kids were home from school.  Of course this created a clog in the bedroom of everyone wanting to see the new kids on the block.

They they are!  Sonny and Spike.

Now at this point, ASimWen realized the house would have to be enlarged.  The Rileys had saved up $5,500 by not. Spending. At. All.  A new bedroom was added onto the back of the house, a couple of new doors and some windows and a couple of more beds purchased.  Living room enlarged, leaving $500 in the bank account.

At this point ASim realized this was no longer a Poverty Challenge.  All the rules had been adhered to.  Parents worked at low level jobs, and many kids were born.  Shona and Sammy are both one week from aging up to elder.   In this house are twins Sheena and Sydney who are still 10 days out from aging up, twins  Sian and Seymore who are three days from aging up, Stephen who is due to cake up in one day, then twins Sonny and Spike, newborns. 

So this is going to end here.  There would be no point in continuing , except just to play a new generation.  Money is obviously not a problem.  Shona gets $350 each work day, and Sammy gets $240.  Careful money management has built a beautiful home.  The Challenge officially ends when the youngest grandchild of the founder dies.  I really have no desire to keep playing this lot that long.  I can't exactly say I won the challenge because I did't play the challenge as long as the rules say to...but oh well!  Goodbye, Hickey/Howe/Riley family.

Have fun Simming everyone!



  1. I love the uopdates, I cant seem to find spare minutes to play what with christmas, disability playing up and needy children, not to mention visiting family.

    I love how Sim Shona wants lots of babies as I myself have 8 IRL so I can fully appreciate that need, hence this time of year is so hectic.

    Mine is obviously taking too long, I am not a very good team player atm... Im off to update have a lovely christmas my dear friend xx

    1. You too girlfriend! In RL I have three adult children and two grandchildren, so Christmas isn't real hectic for me any more. I did take some time off Simming to crochet but that is done now and in the mail to the recipients of the gifts. No on my way to find a new challenge. Maybe one to do in TS3!

  2. lots of different challenges here for ts2 or look at the ts3/4 challenges
