June 26, 2020

The Starving Artist 4.03

The drama never stops!  Boy Generation 4 always has sompin' goin' on!

Warren:  "Fricken fracken....this thing!  I know I can do it...I can do it...."

Frankie and the ghosts....

Frankie decided to take a midnight stroll around the neighborhood before getting a bedtime snack...as he was very hungry.  Elisa found him...boo!

Then Laurel the werewolf found him just as he was headed inside to get his snack.  He felt like he was nearly starving.

Goodbye, Frankie.  Please haunt soon so we can see the color of your ghost.  Please be pale blue for Starved to Death.

Willow Chooses the Baby Daddy for Generation Five

Willow invited the Professor and the Chef out to the park.  Whoever approached her first for affection would be the father of Generation Five.  Call me crazy, but I think I know who it is gonna be.

Chef Matthew Jalowitz.  You are the one mister...!  The SimDNA cheat is immediately enacted.  He is a redhead.  :)

Sorry Professor Michael Long.  Don't know why you are mad.  You don't even have any attraction points with Willow.  Chef Jalowitz has at least one.

Who's first kiss is it???  Ah well.  Bliss.

The happy couple enjoyed a frappe together in the park...

Now that the choice had been made, it seemed difficult to keep to themselves!  Because of this...

Woohoo right away was in order.....

Then on home to go again.

Well well Chef Matthew....all that woohoo didn't satisfy any needs for you????  Or maybe your needs were so low after all that woohoo you needed to go home and rest up.  (they went at it five times.  No chimes).

Evonne works on her LTW of 20 Loves

Sometimes she wishes for romance directly from the wishing well.  Lucky woman...got an NPC this particular time.  Too bad Willow hadn't wished....Fireman Neal makes pretty babies.

Sometimes she merely wishes for friends.

She got a bunch of chicks this time.

They quickly became extra fine friends playing water balloon.

Makin Headway.....

This was a good week for Evonne.  She picked up a few new loves.  Briah.....

Alvin Futa.....

Meadow Thayer....

Don't remember her name.....

And Ricky Cormier.  That is only some of them.  Maybe all from this round.  She is about halfway to her LTW.

The saga continues...

Being a Popularity Sim and getting ten Best Friends put Willow in an extremely fine mood to work on the Starving Artist lineage.  She put on a pretty dress.....and invited Chef Matthew over.

Just as they were going to "try again" there was a terrible noise from one of the bedrooms.  It appears Warren was running out of luck with fixing things.  But he survived to repair another day.


Goodbye Gomez

Gomez would not live to see his new neice/nephew.  The day came.

Hi was in Platinum, where he was nearly all the time.  Don't believe he set foot upstairs more than half a dozen times since the Starving Artists moved into the new beach style house.

Hopefully he will stay downstairs to haunt.

Gomez wasn't much of a socializer.  Even though he was a really nice guy, he spent his time writing and supporting the Starving Artist lineage.  His last book went for almost 10K.  He met his LTW of earn 100K, adding more points to the Challenge.  The inheritance cheated out.

Date Presents and Babies

 The old box style TV that BJ Ryan had bought for Frannie as a date gift was finally being replaced.

This great looking flat screen TV fit right into the same corner.

Willow spent her pregnancy writing books.  After all, she is a Fortune Sim and loves to make simoleons!  This assisted her in staying in Platinum so she would have plenty of energy for the labor/delivery.

Silas Spartan
Generation Five

Meet Silas, everyone.  He has his dad's brown eyes....and has red hair.

Willow's sisters were ectstatic for a new baby!  GENERATION FIVE HAS BEGUN.

And we end this visit with Evonne getting a call for an outing to go downtown.  The participants consisted of two of her lovers, and the rest were others she had wished for out of the wishing well and made friends with.  Oh yes, and one kid who immediately left.  No thanks.  The outing was immediately called off, and Evonne went home.

Thanks for stopping buy everyone!  Chapter 4 coming right up...who knows what will happen!


June 19, 2020

The Starving Artist 4.02

Welcome to Part II of Generation 4~!! Woohoo! This is a big chapter ya'll...lots of drama!

Frankie grew up and joined the adult Sim world...we are left with only two teens to paint.

Willow:  "Come on Warren....gotta finish these before the bus comes."

Warren:  "Ugh.  I m soooo done with painting!"

My Muse Lady:  "Hi Warren. I am here to pump you up with a hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts."

Warren:  "Uh, thanks.  I need to get to school..."  privately thinks yay now I can quit painting...

Jet was the consummate father.  He held and snuggled Mako every moment, gave up all his writing time on the computer...for Mako.  Mako was one lucky kid, to have a dad like Jet.

That afternoon, the cleaning bot which was parked in the ground floor foyer....broke.  No one saw that, as most everyone used the back stairwell to go between the workroom and the upstairs living quarters.


The twins Warren and Willow staged their birthday party outside.  Now that they had plenty of room to do things like this.

Alvin Futa came to Willow's party, just as Willow had promised him in the last chapter.  (red shirt).   The fellow in the orange shirt behind Alvin is somebody.....he has been calling Willow on the phone the last few days.  Probably a good match for her but she needs an NPC.

Just as Warren began blowing out his candles..the game paused.  And paused.  And paused.  I was sure it was going to crash.  Nope.

It was Mako!!!!  Totally missed his growing up.  Not bad looking for a PlantSim!

Ah  Willow and Warren twirled up so fast couldn't get pictures.  Love Willow's "look"!  However....there is Alvin in the background having a time of it.

Ohhhh eeehhh ew.  At any rate, Alvin Futa the boy who forever comes over after school...grew up.  Gotta change that shirt.

The party was a "good time".  Then the bad times started.....

The trash bot was discovered.  Evonne had an elevator accident whilst Mako (autonomously) got started on the trash clean up.

It went on and on.  Jet and his boy....Mako...the two PlantSims were the only ones interested in trying to clean up.  They worked on it all night.

NO!!!!  Not Mako!  It was supposed to be JET!!!!!  Waaaaaa!

*Sigh*  Sorry Mako...hardly knew ya.....  On the other hand....   DEATH BY FLIES.
 Just as ASimWen thought to have Jet produce another plantbaby...too late...no longer selectable.

Jet was in a struggle with Grim.  Grim won.

The rest of the family joined in to clean up....the exterminator showed up for the second time to deal with the bugs.  And...everyone became sick with the flu. Except Willow. She was kept away from all the trashy action, safely tucked away in bed.

Looking for Baby Daddy

The trashy drama over, Willow needed to find a baby daddy to carry on the Starving Artist lineage.  She missed out on birthday woohoo because she did not develop any relationships as a teen.

Willow:  "Yeah, thanks a lot ASimWen."

A day was spent downtown going to various lots where NPCs were surely going to show up.  She met a chef  wondering by the park, and met a waiter at a restaurant.

She met a University Professor, and Mr. Big.

Then off to see Rodolpho to get her face done.  Hmmm.  He has genetics not yet in the Starving Artist line.  Blond!  Possibilities!

She will get to know each man, separately invite each one over for a flirt, then have a party inviting all of them.  Which ever one approaches her first for a hug/kiss, will be the baby daddy.  :)  What fun!

Flirt Day

Professor Michael Long

First up was Professor Michael Long.  Oh my but this old man knew how to flatter the ladies.

Michael:  "I have been around for a while.  I know what they like to hear.  I hope she picks me."

Waiter Ramin Midlock

Ummmm, no.

Mr. Big Hayden Bar

OOohh promising....they fell in crush right away.

Chef Matthew Jalowitz

Again, the old man knows what to say.

Chef Matthew:  "You bet we know.  We are the best."

Hairdresser Rodolpho (Andrzej Lind)

Again, absolutely NO.  She liked him, but he told her to BACK OFF.   Oh well, guess there will be no blond hair in the Spartan lineage in the fifth generation!

Eveonne had her own share of love on Flirt Day...she hit the wishing well for a lil' love.  Whoooo did she get???

A very stylish looking Abhijeet Deppiesse.

Kissy kissy.  The date went on until Abhijeet was within striking distance of becoming another love for Evonne...then the date ended.

Party Day

Hopefully this party will single out the baby daddy for Generation Five.

Willow called out and invited the 5 potential baby daddies to her party.  Evonne on the other hand called Alvin Futa to come over.  She was showing a wish to date a Sim, and could use another love for her LTW.  He gave her a really nice computer just for calling him.  He must be desperate for companionship.

One Daddy didn't come to the party.  Mr. Big, Hayden Bar.  Couldn't be because of low relationship with Willow.  Perhaps he had a prior engagement.  Oh well Hayden...your loss!!

There was lots of dancing and eating...then it was a time to get down to business.

Waiter Ramin climbed into the Dancs-O-Sphere right away, not even giving Willow a side glance.  I guess we know why.

That's two daddies down....

Hairdresser  Rodolpho (Andrzej Lind) didn't do a thing either....just stood around playing imaginary basketball.  Eventually Orchid struck up a conversation with him.

Three daddies down.

This leaves two...the older men.  Professor Michael Long and Chef Matthew Jalowitz.  OOohhh who won the Daddy Challenge at the Starving Artist house??

Next chapter!  Read all about it!  We may see Gen 3 Gomez's Grim Party.  Maybe.

Thanks for dropping by!
