Ah yes. It is on stilts, with room to park four cars. This is the front facing the street. More views:
This is the side view. Here you can see there is a room on the ground level. It is the workroom.
Back. Entrance to house on upper, steps going down for entrance to the work room below.
Ground view of the house, back yard.
Closer look at work room. You can see the entrance to it toward the right, the plain door. To the left is a larger entrance to enter a foyer to ride upstairs in an elevator, or use the big fancy steps shown on the second picture of the side view.
Only one picture of the inside. Had not moved the family in yet...this is part of the open floor plan on the upper floor, the kitchen.
Map View:
And here is map view showing a comparison to the old house they are moving out of:
The new place sprawls out. It will be easier to play, I think. My aim is to cut back on the ghost activity, as part of the challenge is they must be free roaming.
Before moving the family in, I visited the Spartan Satellite house in the (not) Trailer Park to move the gravestones to the cemetery.
My oh my what a colorful bunch. There were six of them altogether. After they were moved, I visited the temp lot and summoned Caryl Ghast. She had an unlikely death by electrocution, and her grave was sent to the cemetery. Why? You ask? Because her beau Arlan Spartan had passed on. And so must she. Then off to the cemetery I went to do maintenance. Finally then, it was time to move the (not) Starving Artists to their new home.
Everything the Spartans brought with them from the old place was unpacked and placed in the house. A simple mausoleum was built in the back yard, and the urns placed inside. The kids went off to school.
Warren: “I don’t wanna go to school. I want to stay and check out the new place.”
Orchid: “Welp, looks decent enough.”
Mitzi: “Oh Gomez. It looks just right for us.”
Gomez: “Yep. I am glad I found the listing when I did. It was going to go quick at this price. (77K).
Jet: “Plenty room for a garden, I expect.”
In the workroom facing the back yard. This is what the adults to all day when there are no babies to look after and all the school aged kids are in class. Gomez’s books are now going for over 7K apiece. Sometimes he squeezes in 2 in 24 hr period.
Almost right away Evonne gets her membership to Desirable Discourse. Go you, Evonne.
Evonne: “I don’t care about it. Just carrying on the artistic legacy. I would rather be dating.”
Yes the Artists hired a butler, named....named... oh it doesn’t matter. He didn’t last long in this household.
The first day winds down with the kids eating dinner with friends in the upper dining room, and down below the adults doggedly pound out novels.
Orchid: “Dang. You would think with a fancy-schmancy butler like what’s his name we would get something better then toaster pastries for breakfast.”
Ophelia: “Shhhh! He’s right there.”
Ginger: “OoooffFF!”
Willow: “Tee-Hee!”
Now....I don’t know why the sentry bot went after Ginger, unless she is just mad in general at the Spartans for nearly burning up at the Satellite House. She had to have ne’re-do-well on her mind to get zapped.
Alvin Futa: “Hey Willow. I am going to have a birthday soon. I think our birthdays are on the same day!
Willow: “I will be sure to invite you to my party, Alvin.”
Frankie: “Dang. In order to get a decent meal around here I had to make it myself. Stupid butler.:”
Ophelia: “Shhhhh!”
This is where the kids paint nowadays, out on the front deck, elevated. Not a single scare happened to them this play while they painted here. Let’s hope it stays that way!
Gomez: “Hurry up Mitzi. Before the ghosts come out.”
Mitzi: “Hey, I gotta get my energy shot so I can keep going like the Energizer Bunny.”
Mitch Wolosenko: “Dang it. Me and Marylena can barely keep up with the book deliveries. I should get hero pay. Constantly dodging ghosts and all!”
The last time books were picked up and put away was about noon the day before by the maid. This is at 7 am the next morning. Yes the output is very high. Each one of this are worth between 3K and 7K. Gomez’s fetches the most.
Ophelia: “I do get tired of writing books. I want to learn how to cook so everyone will stop complaining about the food.”
Evonne: “I am sorry but we...um...ehhh....how do I say this... YOUR’E FIRED.”
Butler: “I’ll get my things.”
"Oh Meredith, it has been so long since we have seen each other."
Meredith: "You rascal, you!"
Jet: "Let's go back to my place...I have a rad tent...."
"These are the best pancakes anyone has ever made. I mean ever."
maybe we should learn to cook |
Orchid: "Yep...these... *GACK* are the ...best... *GACK* PANCAKES EVER!"
Time For An Outing
So being a Fortune Sim, Frankie had wished for a car a couple of times at the old place. As a teen Frank would throw tantrums if his aspiration would get too low. So, buy a cheap-o car. Since there are four parking places at the new house, both of those cars were upacked and parked. Naturally Frankie wanted to go driving right away.
![]() |
willow why are you wearing a heavy bubble jacket in the desert |
Frankie: "Hey man. I wanna buy this watch."
Cashier: "Dude! That will be a lot of simoleons."
Frankie: "Here you go. It's my birthday."
Cashier: "Ummmm...happy birthday???"
After buying their phones, the twins did what they like to do. Warren took pictures of himself in the photo booth, and Willow wanted to meet new people. The cute Cashier fit the purpose.
Back home in the very roomy outside under the house and right in front of the workroom, a cake was set out there. Frankie called out for a party and there was only one person he knew well enough to invite to the party. Chandler Platz. That is him to the left in the gray shirt.
Not bad...not bad...I usually get rid of that close cut hairstyle, but I think it looks good on him. He looks a lot like his dad.
Yep, it happened to be Chandler's birthday too. Go you, Chandler!
Jet: "Where did this come from???"
ASim: "That is your plantbaby, Mako. A little boy plant."
Jet: "Oh."
Just can't get enough of Jet. Well, his days are coming to an end. I have decided to carry on a plantsim a generation until the end through plant reproduction. Was gonna have a member of the family turn, but decided to do it this way.
Cutie patootie! Hangin' out with dad while dad works.
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darn. he lived through it |
ASimWen: "Frankie. Why are you trying to fix computers when you have no mechanical skills??"
Frankie: "Why do anything? Because it needs to be done."
Literary Guy: "Frankie, I have a membership to our club for you."
Frankie: "I am glad I got this computer fixed."
Evonne: "Hi Guy! Nice to see you...."
Guy: "Hello Evonne. Here I am again."
Evonne keeps working on it....
Evonne: "Gotta get me some friends."
Here are a couple of them. Randy Cormier and Randy London. Plodding along.....
Dat Baby.....
Everyone in the house couldn't get enough of Mako. Constantly picking him up and giving him lovin's. I can't help it. I love PlantSims.
And we end this visit with Gomez's first book over 8K. Long ago, the game stopped keeping track of single Sim incomes. No wishes to earn X simoleons....ect. Unfortunately Gomez's LTW was to earn 100K. I am assuming he met that long ago. I am going to take the challenge points for a Sim reaching their LTW. May send him to the genie lamp to get his perm plat status.
A group coming out of their urns for the night. I made sure to bring their beds, and Sage's favorite toilet from the old place. Didn't matter. Everyone complains about the loss of their bed now, not just Logan.
Sara had the distinct pleasure of getting the first scare in the new place. This is in the workroom.
Laurel: "Look at me! Look at me! I am choking! Help me!!!"
All of the scaring, if any, happened in this room. The lot is huge for them to roam around on and rarely did they even come in. No one went upstairs at all...and do not scare when a Sim is sitting at the computer. This was a good decision to put the house on stilts.
And that is it! See you in the second chapter!
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