One of the ways to amass points in this challenge is to have all ghost colors on the lot. I am not going for all ghost colors, I am going for all death types. Thus you naturally assume and correctly so, there are going to be LOTS of ghosts. And, said ghosts cannot be corralled to keep them from spooking the live family. I had heard that the ghosts haunt less if they are mourned. So once a day someone from the family will go into the mausoleum and morn every. Single. Urn. We will see how it goes.
ASimWen: "Hiya Arlan! (clear to the left) Are you out and about tonight?
Arlan; "Yep ASimWen I am. I am going to become and old man soon and I want to do some things first."
ASimWen: "Arlan. You need to stay away from Caryl. (sitting beside him). "She is a bit of a player."
Arlan: "She is fine. Really."
Arlan didn't care that Caryl had was rumored to have spent time with his brother Jet as a teen, and was seeing his cousin Dominick, sometimes. That just meant she wasn't attached to anyone, and his chances were good.
It was unusual for Gomez to be away from the computer. Right about now, the was the only Sim in the house who could make smart milk and wear a thinking cap. He found himself training up Frank.
It would seem that Vince's last visit to the house for Frank's birthday yielded another pregnancy for him and Mitzi. Maybe another child for Gomez to train up.
Mitzi: "Thanks for the chili, Arlan. I was craving"
Arlan: "I am glad to do it. Remember when you were sick and I made Grandma's Soup for you?"
Mtizi: "You are the best brother ever."
Soon it was Orchid and Ophelia's birthday. Cousins from the (not) trailer park came over to help celebrate.
Orchid Spartan
Become City Planner
Well I love a Fortune Sim in this challenge....they are content to write novels. They roll want after want to get a best seller. They are always in gold/plainum which comes in handy. (See Gomez snippit above). But Orchid will not see that LTW. Sad.
Ophelia Spartan
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The girls with Cousin Cujo |
Become World Class Ballet Dancer
I do love to play Knowledge Sims. they are so easy to keep happy! Skill skill skill~! Sorry darlin' you aren't going to see that LTW or keep that green outfit. heh
Arlan Spartan
Oh my looky...the first of Generation 3 is aging up to elder. It should move faster now. Go you, Arlan!
Arlan: "You know what, it is also someone else's birthday."
Caryl Ghast
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Arlan: "I still want you."
Frank Spartan
Frank: "Yippee! I finally got some attention!"
Mitzi: "You are my big grown up boy Frankie. Love you!"
Arlan: "Even though I am an old man now, I can still whip ya!"
Jet: "Not on your life Arlan! I am younger and stronger!"
(Arlan won).
The party was a Good Time success. The trailer park cousins went home and everyone pitched in to clean up. The house was surprisingly quiet. Then:
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It was time....for Mitzi's third pregnancy to end.
Ummmm. Yeah. Natural twins. This is Warren and Willow. I will admit, I made her do it three times before she had a red headed girl, and born last. Yes, Willow will be the heiress. Luckily Orchid was there to help out.
Evonne: "Yay! I have a sister who looks like me!"
Mitzi: "Yes my have a sister who looks like you."
Evonne: "I can't wait for her to grow up a little bit."
Mitzi: "It won't be long!"
The twins taking care of the twins..... Orchid and Ophelia are always ready and willing. That is when they aren't doing homework or painting. While they were feeding Warren and Willow, Mitzi was helping Frankie with his homework.
Time for some Jet time....
Jet: "Gee thanks Doc. I feel so much better...."
Doc: "There there now. That little pussy cat is nothing. You hear? Nothing. He cannot hurt you. him in the future. You will be just fine. That's 150 simoleons, please."
Ophelia: He's car-ray-zeeee!
Cymmi: **MEOW!**
Jet's aspiration was terribly low...and the ghost cat scaring him put him over the edge!
Why does ASimWen like to have plantsims around? This is why. Spores of Happiness. Fulfills needs for other Sims. Yes, yes I had to demolish the house to get this picture. They are all crowded in the bathroom..had to knock out walls.
Evonne Spartan
Yup, birthday time again. By this time my head was spinning and wondering why I wanted so many Sims in this house.
Well since there is a wishing well on the lot, this is entirely possible. :) Woohoo! This will be fun. If she doesn't kick the bucket first.....
Willow and Warren
Once again, it was ...oh never mind. Once thing ya gotta say for Vince Walter, he showed up for every single birthday for his kids.
Mitzi: "My babies are growing up." *sniff*
Warren...what a cutie patootie!
And this is the heiress for Generation Four. Willow Spartan. I do like the hair style, but not the color. Will see if it is available in different shade of red.
Orchid is once again available to help out with the kids by helping to train, and oh looky there is Gomez called up once again to training duty.
Gomez: "Yeah, this is about the only time I am allowed off the computer."
ASimeWen: "By the way Gomez, how much are your books going for these days?"
Gomez: "My top seller was $5,500 simoleons."
Who the heck is this lady???? Just came waltzing in like she owned the place. Probably crashing the birthday was still going.
Come Saturday morning, the three older girls wanted to go shopping. Oh boy! Let's go!

Evonne headed right to the phone kiosk and purchased a...well...a phone... Orchid hit the clothing racks and bought some jewelry and more clothes...and friendly Ophelia went around shaking hands and talking to other Sims. It was a fun morning.
The girls then rushed home, as it was Headmaster day. Evonne's dad showed up. Of course it was a shoo-in.
Headmasters in the past had always given the master bedroom a high score, but this time it received a low rating from Vince. Of course he had been in it many times. But the rest of the visit went well.
Vince gained a couple of pounds from the dinner. But that didn't make a difference, he admitted Arlan's two girls (who were the ones that really wanted in the school) and then two of his own Evonne and Frank. They all got a cut rate on the tuition. It is obvious why.
Oh look. Gomez is having some dinner.
Evonne was feeling a litte peckish as far as her love life was concerned. She wanted to try out this new aspiration. She made a wish for romance.
She received one of the paperboys. heh A two bolt attraction. Good-bye.
Sunday sees Mitzi in aspiration desperation. Arlan was concerned for her. That night she fell to the same accident Jet did. The cat scared her and she had total failure.
Doc: "Now Mitzi. Do; you really think that pussy cat was all that bad? No no. tsk tsk. Just ignore him. That is all. Look the other way and go on. Yes. You will be fine. That will be $175 simoleons please."
Evonne: "Here you go Warren. I know, I is acting a bit crazy right now. But she will be fine. Don't you worry."
Let's wind down this birthday visit with hobby plaque notifications:
The girls received their hobby plaques in Arts and crafts. This made ASimWen think...that arts and crafts lady could use a bit of painting herself.
Heeeey! If we ever get a male heir she is in the bullseye for a baby mamma. Even got her a pretty pair of earrings to match her outfit.
Ghostly antics:
Faith: "Boooo! Whooooo are youoouuu???"
Faith joins Evonne at the wishing well and scares her date. hahaha!
Over at the (not) Trailer Park...
Sophie (Miguel) Spartan continues to work her way up the legal corporate ladder.
The toddler time went by pretty fast. It was time for her to age up to child!
Go you, Maeve!
This was such a hilarious scene I knocked out walls to get the picture. Cousin Cujo there was helping his daughter Maeve with homework in her bedroom when he was scared by his dad Connor. Cujo has a sub aspiration of Knowledge, so he was happy this happened. Maeve is studying right on like nothing is happening, and Darren is on the computer researching games. heh
Maeve could often be found out on the baskeball court. She shares her mother's love of sports and physical fitness. Uncle Darren cheers her on.
Love love this pic of Sophie and Cujo. Just relaxing and watching TV after a long hard day.
And this report of the Trailer Park relatives is finished up with Cujo and Dominick getting promoted in their field of Dance, their LTWs.
Oh and you may be wondering....last chapter it was alluded that during his wedding, Cousin Cujo had passed gifts to Arlan. What were they???
These three delicious items that can't be had unless a Sim goes to University. Would not have given the Starving Artists the bookcase, but the Trailer Park relatives already had one. And...the Starving Artists will be required to earn their creativity points the long hard way. I had already planned these guys to get their "quickie" skill points using eggplant juice so that is covered. However, with this they can pinpoint specific skill points.
And...don't forget we are doing all deaths in this challenge...and all life states. *wink*
Thanks for dropping by, and next is Generation 3, Part Six. Exciting stuff coming up!
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