May 1, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 1.01

The challenge house.  Kept the price around 16K so the Spartan family would have the simoleons to buy it and have a couple of bucks left.  It is cute.

Frannie Spartan and her mother Elisa move in to this cozy little house.  It is on the ocean and town isn't far away.

If she wanted to walk to town Frannie figured it would only take 20 minutes.

Speaking of walking to town, Frannie headed off to school right away.

Elisa just couldn't help pretty glinting in the sunlight.

Good bye, Elisa.  Death by Scissors.  Didn't even know ya.

Frannie returned home from school and discovered her mother's grave.  Some neighbors (welcome wagon) dropped by to console her.  (an error threw when Frannie got off the bus.  Her homework disappeared and her classmate in the green shirt who came home with her snapped to the inside of the house and the school bus disappeared).

She even managed to make some friends.  Perhaps she wouldn't feel so alone.

More people dropped by.  Frannie hurriedly invited this gentleman in.

No cooking skills here, couldn't even make microwave Ramen noodles for her guests.  Luckily she had thought to install a fire alarm and the Town came over right away to put the fire out before anything was lost.

The next morning Frannie found a hole in the yard she dug around in it to and found:

What a windfall!  She could really use the money to upgrade to a really comfortable bed.  Per Poverty Challenge Rules, Frannie is allowed to dig once in holes dogs leave.

Hiya, Elisa.  She wasted no time coming out to haunt.  She frightened Frannie through the paint easel, but luckily Frannie's needs were up!

Whoops what's this?  Frannie is moving in to the trailer park.  The after school error threw again.  So.  In troubleshooting where the problem was, the challenge would be started over with a new Sim.  

Ah ok.  ASimWen went a little deeper with genetics.  Made three generations, and planned to keep the graves in the cemetery in hopes of retaining the DNA.  Our new Artist is the girl in the pink top (OMG where did she get that hair). Her name is Fatima Frugal.

Fatima went inside to study cooking for a little bit while the grown ups...

Happily ran around with scissors.  Fatima heard the commotion and came running out to see what was going on.

Everyone's grave was moved to the cemetery, except Fatima's mother.  She will stay.  Oh look, another dog hole.  Fatima got a map.  It went into her back pack to be sold later in case she needed $$$

The after school error threw again.  OH FRICKEN FRACKEN.  No time wasted.  Fatima moved her mother's grave to the cemetery, and she herself moved in with  Frannie over at the trailer park.

New name is Skinner, and the Artist name is Sarah.  In the purple shirt.  Could tell right away she had an attitude. The cute little house was bulldozed and a new house built.

Sarah and her mom moved in, happier than bugs in rugs.  Then Sarah went inside to paint.  ASim was thinking mabye the school error was throwing because the Artists were walking to school as soon as the lot opened.

Mom don't even remember her name had the same scissors accident.  The rest of the Sims were made into townies.  Poor Sarah had a temper fit but didn't have aspirational failure.  She bottomed out in red.  She had a fear of a relative dying...Family Sims have those type of fears.  Her LTW - Raise 20 Kittens or Puppies.  That was doable!

Sarah started on her LTW by adopting a couple of kittens from the shelter, and one of them grew up right away.  One for her LTW!  Then she called up this guy to come over and visit.  Her dad, Jerry.  Wanted to tell him about Mom stupidly running around with scissors and doing herself in.

This seemed like it was going to work out.  Google is a wonderful thing.  Found out the error was throwing when the Artists hopped off the bus because there was no parent on the lot to acknowledge the good report card.  Downloaded a MOD fixed it.  Sarah actually lasted a couple of days, got up to three creativity skill points and some cooking under her belt.

By now it was waaaay past ASimWen's bed time, and was playing on speed three while Sara talked on the phone, as her friends were already accusing her of not paying attention to them.  Well, mama came out to haunt.  Got Sarah, and got her good.

She looks proud of herself.  Anyhow, Sarah contributed Death by Fright.  One for the Challenge.  Yup, I kept it because the original Artist, Frannie, was still alive in the trailer park.

What??  What do you mean you need me to move back in.  You done kicked me to the curb and put me in a dern trailer!  I don't care if she died!  No!  Oh?  A new house?  Ok.  I will come check it out.  But I ain't promising anything.

Fricken fracken...move here.  Move there.  Paint.  No wait, study cooking.  I swear!

Frannie decided to stop by the arcade and get her fun up....and she was showing a wish to flirt.  BTW, Frannie rolled Family and has an LTW to become Education Minister.  Not doable. Boo.

Ol' Georgie is always good for a quick flirt.  She also bought an MP3 player. Fulfilling a nice wish.  Need to get her aspiration up, bordering on red.

She dropped by the cemetery to get mom and take her home.  Dang this place was getting busy!

Hi Elisa!  You be nice now!

 OOOhhhh right away...that night, Sarah came out to haunt.  Pink.  Death by Fright.  Frannie managed to avoid her during dinner.

Oh Sarah is a vengeful ghost!!!!  Oh my.

I swear ASimWen.  I hate this place.  Sarah scares me, the boys don't like me!  I stay so sad!  I used to be happy!

The next night...again.  And again.  And again.  I started to be afraid for Frannie's life.  Then I realized Frannie was sleeping in Sarah's bed.  That came out and was hidden behind Sarah and Elisa's gravestones.  Frannie bought a new bed, and Sarah settled down.

Finally, finally things started going better for Frannie.  She even managed to amass three or four Creativity points.

First Kiss.  It is important for Family Sims to have a boyfriend or girlfriend waiting in the wings for some interaction!  Yay for Georgie!

NOTE:  All the moving around generated a 20K handout by the game every time which was disposed of using the Family Funds cheat.  Thank you.

And that ends week one in the Staving Artist Challenge!  See you next time!



  1. Dying laughing over here. When I first saw the scissors, I asked "Why are there a pair of scissors on the lawn?" And that poor family, all of them running around with them willy nilly! Glad Frannie decided to come back and help out in the Haunted Starving Artist Challenge! Mwah ha ha ha!

    1. Haha yeah I love those scissors....the were offered by Maxis on a limited download. Just in case Simmers wanted another type of death. :)

  2. "So ASimWen, you think you're gonna get rid of me and make me live in a trailer just 'cos I'm buggy? No sireee!"
    Heh, go Frannie, I admit I am a bit scared for her but looks like she's hardened up nicely and hopefully she'll have George soon to keep her moods happy. :)
