Arlan: "Cousin Cujo left for University."
Berry: "Yep, all the kids in that branch of the family have attended. Not us. No siree. We are Artists, and Artists we will be."
Natasha: "Oh Berry you are such a poet."
Natasha: "Mitzi, this is the way it is done. That's all there is to it. Gentle easy brush strokes."
Mitzi: "Ok mom. But I feel like just splashing the whole canvas with what ever."
(Count Vlad's children Mitzi and Jet only have one nice point and are always "living on the edge" with their emotions. It will be interesting to see how this works through the generations.)
Mitzi: "Mom I got an A+. SWEET!"
Natasha: *mumble mumble* "That's great baby. Just a sec, I need to finish this paragraph...."
Arlan: Dang these tress are on fire AGAIN. Uncle Berry! Did you find out what we could do about this when you studied Fire Safety???"
Berry: "Nope buddy, there isn't much you can do about it when the trees burn. The rain will put it out before the fire department comes."
Arlan: "I was just cooking hotdogs! Uncle Berry!! Do your Fire Safety thing!" Completely autonomous.
Berry: "Uh, uh, fire extinguisher! Yeah. that's right! Get the fire extinguisher!"
Remmie: "You mean there isn't one out here??? Arlan you were cooking out without an extinguisher handy??"
Arlan: "I dont know man, I was just hungry!"
This happened randomly...Arlan on his own decided to grill the hot dogs. A fire ensued. I thought oh this is a good opportunity to get a Death by Fire, so I let it go. As you will see, it turned into pandemonium, and quickly out of my control. Eventually no one was controllable...they were all so anxious about the fire! No amount of clicking on my part helped. At all.
Amidst all the confusion, Sage appears and scares Arlan to death. Grim appears. To stir the pot Meadow Thayer appears out of nowhere! Gomez runs outside and takes a hit for a relative dying. By now the grill is all burned up to a pile of rubble.
JET: "Oh Mr. Grim Sir...please bring my brother back. PUH-LESE!"
Grim: *GROANS*
Meadow get out of the way..............!!!!
Hearing the commotion, Natasha ran outside and started the fire dance. She was not available to plead with Grim for Arlan's life because of Meadow standing right there!...Jet was the closest so he was the one.
Buh-Bye Arlan....
Berry: "Ouch ouch! Someone put me out!"
Jet grabs the extinguisher....He might be a mean Sim but he has some common sense.
Poor poor Berry.....good bye.... (he was due to pass of old age the next day anyway...) Yes! He was my death by fire target.
Jet: "Hold on brother! Hold on! I will put you out!"
Remmie: "Isn't there a second extinguisher around here??"
Gomez: "Thanks Jet. Now get mom. She is on fire!!!" My heart was racing! Literally!
Having sent Arlan and Berry to the Sim Afterlife, Grim turns his attention to Natasha....Jet works to put out both Remmie and Faith. At this point I am thinking I am going to have a Starving Artist house run by teens....
Faith: "Oh thank goodness.....we are saved. Thank you, Jet!"
Remmie: "Phew. I need some water. Bad."
A gentle rain starts to fall. This helps to put out the fire.

Mitzi: "My mom is dead. My brother is dead. My uncle is dead. WAAAAHHHHH!"
Remmie: "It could have been worse, hon."
Jet: "Dumb A** Arlan!"
Grim: "This whole family is clueless. Keeps me in business, though. Thanks folks...see you again soon."
Remmie: "Alright. All I need is some zen time in the rain, under the plant light...I will be fine. Really I will. I have lost my son...and the one true love of my life."
Remmie: "Boohoo! Boohoo! Who am I kidding???"
The lamp the gypsy dropped off years ago gained Gomez's attention. Oh yippee! I get to resurrect a Sim using this. I have never done it before.
Gomez: "Mr Genie sir....I have a request."
Genie: "What is it you desire, young master?"
Gomez: " I wish...I bring someone back to life."
Genie: "Oh is that all??? You know young master, what you get may not be exactly what you wish for."
Gomez: "Do it, mighty sir. I lost three relatives tonight. I can't imagine life without...."
Arlan: "Hey! I am back! It was awfully black there for a while."
Gomez: "Great. Now I am going to go shower....I am so sore..."
Imagine Sigmund Freud: "There you go young man. Remember. The chicken came before the egg. Or? Did the egg come before the chicken?"
Arlan: *Profusely pumps the Doc's hand* Thank you sir. Thank you. I feel like a new Sim."
Life slowly returned to normal.
It was birthday time. Again.
Remmie: "This is a very special birthday for me, as I may not have been here to spend it with you if it hadn't been for Jet. Thanks. I am glad to be here."
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Oops, sorry Remmie.
Mitzi: "I wish...I wish...I could have my mom back. But if I can't have that....I wish to see my dad as often as possible."
Count Vlad: "BLEH!!! Your Mother is not here, but to let you know, your father always will be!"
Mitzi: "Thanks dad, I am glad you are here."
Generation 3 Heiress - Mitzi Spartan
Oh my we have two of those LTWs in this house now. Going to try for it!
Cousin Cujo: "Sorry about Auntie Natasha and Uncle Berry. I heard about the big fire."
Gomez: "Jet was pretty sick with the fire extinguisher. He saved everyone."
Count Vlad: "Is that true my son?? You saved lives?"
Jet: "Aww come on. There are a couple I coudn't save. I begged the Reaper for Arlan, and I failed dad. I failed."
Count Vlad: "Is that true son? You saved lives?"
Jet: "Yes I guess so."
Mitzi: "Gomez begged the genie for Arlan. Don't be so hard on yourself Jet! You saved Arlan's dad and Auntie Faith."
It was back to school, as if nothing had happened. Everything was as it had been as far as that is concerned. Mitzi found the school work just a little more difficult since she wasn't in Private School like her brothers.
Arlan gained a membership to Peerless Park, deciding everything his dad had been through with the fire, then aging to elder it was probably best to help him out a little with the garden.
Mitzi exhibited the same behavior Jet did, she was meaner than a rattlesnake always giving everyone noogies. Jet though being a Romance Sim had issues with the girls. Hard to get them to like such a mean Sim although he is constantly wishing for their attention.
Jet: "Oh Meredith (Anderson) you are the best thing that ever happened to me. *scowl*
Meredith: "You are so kewl, Jet." These two are a two bolt attraction.
Don't get too attached Jet, she is only your squeeze.
Membership cards and hobby plaques came rolling in:
Literary guy: "Hey Arlan. Here is my club's card..we would like you to be a member. Keynote speaker too.
"And is your hobby plaque. Thank you for being such an outstanding author. We have really enjoyed your books."
"And Mitzi...OOOHhhh...ghosts! Here's your plaque. Goodbye." *runs out*
Mitzi: "I mean, Gomez, Arlan is making all kinds of cash writing books. I think that would be a better way to make money than to stand at an easel and paint."
Gomez: I have to agree Mitzi. He is making thousands. You only get a few hundred for a painting. I say we become authors instead of painters. Even granny Frannie wrote books toward the end."
Jet: "I like to paint. Leaves me more time for the chicks."
And Mitzi meets her first male NPC......he makes pretty children. :) Yes, ASimWen speaks from experience.
And to wrap up this first Generation 3 visit with the Starving Artist Home:
A ghost update. There is the lovely Sarah hugging and playing with Alegra, her cat. And Natasha waking up for the first time as a ghost sporting her beautiful red ghostly mist. Yes red...Death by Fire.
What is going on across town in the Trailer Park?
Well, Connor and Fatima no longer live in the trailer park. As shown last visit, they now live in a beautiful rancher. All three of their boys, Darren, Dominick, and Cujo are attending University so they have some time on their hands.
Connor decided to activate one of his Servos. The yard is huge and frankly Fatima and Connor needed some help with all the raking and trimming.
Fatima received a demotion due to a bad decision at work, but promoted right back up, and received that nice bonus again. Does she look sick to you?
She is sick with the flu. Ugh. She did not properly social distance at work, apparently!
Darren and Dominick are halfway through their Junior Year, and Cujo and Sophie Miguel have finished their Freshman year and are now Sophomores. Moving along!
Operation Dead Daddies
Only one for Generation 2. Since Natasha is gone, so is Jessie Day.
Jessie was aged up then suffered a Death by Hail. Decided to let Remmie die a natural death since he is playable, and left the Count alive downtown...vampires live forever....
Oh. And why did Gomez choose Arlan to resurrect? Because we already had a Death by Fright. Sarah. ha.
And that is it! See you next time!
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