The meals were simple, prepared with love. Frannie was in her silver years now, and turned to writing a novel about her life.
The local Literary Society heard about her creative talent and begged her to join their club. Of course she did!
Being in the Literary Society made her first book sell for more money than she had ever gotten at one time in her life!! She was feeling as though she was ready to give up painting, as she did not have to stand for hours on end and could sit and write. And the pay was slightly better as well for the time investment.
Frannie immediately started on a sequal.
Natasha missed her father so, and called him to come, she wanted to see him. Her mom didn't seem to want to see him at all. So it was up to her to get him to come to the house.
Remington London hesitated to visit his twin daughters because this man always seemed to be in the house visiting is twin sons! (BJ Ryan comes and goes out of the house like he lives there. He is constantly told to leave, but comes right back in a Sim hour or so).

Tensions were high, and the two men argued. Over Frannie?? It was way past that now. It was a personal vendetta!
It finally came to fisticuffs, at one point. Right in the middle of the living room.
There was a clear winner! The older boys were all about watching the wrestling match, but the younger girls were horrified.
Laurel and Natasha were very upset that their father would beat up their brother's dad or beat up anyone for that matter...and Natasha couldn't not understand why her mom didn't do anything about it.
Frannie approached BJ about being in the house so much, could he tone it back a little? After all his boys were men now. BJ staunchly refused saying they wanted to see him, and in between home visits for the Private School he was going to be there for them, all the way.
In the meanwhile former Starving Artist Fatima Frugal had her birthday back at the trailer park. Fatima: "Yes, I can't stay a teenager forever."
Connor was immediately interested in spending time with Fatima. Off on a date they went to laugh, talk, and get their picture taken. A little shopping was in order as well.
Speaking of shopping, Faith, Berry and Logan finally made the trip to get their phones.
Then video games was in order. It was good to get out of the house!

Natasha and Laurel insisted on inviting their dad over for their birthday. BJ Ryan stayed away, out of respect for the girls.
Natasha Spartan, Gen Two Heiress
Knowledge - Max out 7 Skills
That just might be doable! How about Laurel? She rolled Knowledge as well...
Sorry no, Laurel....
The party was a big success, no fights, no party crashers.
Connor suddenly realized he had ten best friends, made him feel pretty good. (Halfway to his LTW!!) Natasha decided she and her twin would take their first outing out of the house all on their own. Yup, all by themselves.
The first thing the girls did once they arrived at the shopping center, was have ramen noodles at the counter. It was yummy.
Next up...the girls bought their phones, then some clothes...of course.
Natasha wondered how her old outfit looked on her...did it make her butt look big??? Yes, she was going to do some shopping!
This mysterious man approached her and struck up a conversation. Kicky bag? Ok. They were fast friends. It was a long day, and the girls headed home.
Finally it was Saturday , Outing Day!
Those who wanted to fish headed out to Peerless Park. Berry, Natasha and Laurel.
Natasha found Connor there. Connor wasn't there to fish but to socialize. Finally when Natasha stepped up to the lake to fish, Connor did as well.
Sage was there too? Fishing, fishing. Funny, but the girls did not see their older brothers head out too. There had been rumors of witches around town, and Laurel had one standing right behind her!
The evil witch cast a spell of a thunderstorm on the happy fishing party. However, the good witch showed up and cast a second spell for sunshine and butterflies. This did not bode well with the evil witch! How funny...
Following up the eventful outing on Saturday, it was birthday time on Sunday. Berry was having a birthday! He didn't see his dad often, but invited him over for this!
No more going to school every day for you Berry! How do you feel about getting older?
Oh man.....sorry.....
Berry: didn't go to college.
Alon: Buck up son. You can always do barista work like your old man. That's a good solid living.
Frannie: Ohhh Alon....
Alon: You are my only sunshine....
Frannie. Um Alon, get out of the way. I have to pee.
The party was such a success, the cops came and broke it up. It was a "Good Time".
This is the end of the first visit for Generation 2. See you next time! We should see Frannie's Grim party. ASimWen is so used to fulfilling wishes and which makes Sims live forever due to the amount of aspiration they amass... it feels different to have Sims pass in a reasonable amount of time!
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