May 16, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.05

Natasha:  "Oooohhhh.....I think I am pregnant again!"

Berry:  "Yup, looks like it to me.  Here, have an omelette."

Faith: "Hey great to see you guys..."

Connor:  "It has been a little bit.  Fatima and I dropped over to share some news."

Fatima:  "You are expecting a baby?  Connor and I have another one on the way as well!"

Laurel:  "So many new babies coming!  Isn't that a coincidence...."

Natasha:  "You and Connor are going the traditional route.  Me, not so much.  I am taking after mom, apparently.  Didn't plan it like that though."


Fatima:  "Ohhhh not again...."

Laurel:  "Yippee!!!  Go you, Connor!!!!"  (I wanna be a werewolf.....)


Connor: 'Ummmmm yeah....this is the other piece of news we had. Balin the pack leader bit me the other night. Now I have lycanthropy."

Laurel:  "Oh Connor...I wanna be a werewolf.  Can you put in a good word for me?  Help me with that???"

Connor:  "Look, I haven't been like this very long.  I don't know what other side effects there might be.  Let's give it a day or two...and I will talk with you about it again."

Laurel:  *disappointed*

In the meanwhile outside, Berry gained a gold badge in gardening.....

Remmie helped out with the gardening by watering the plants and spraying for bugs....

And Logan won yet another bag of money from the wishing well, that he couldn't keep.

Remmie:  "Faith, did you hear about Connor and Fatima?  They are having another baby."

Faith:  "Yes, yes I did.  Good for them."

Remmie:  "They are building a nice big family....."

Faith:  "Connor doesn't know any other life."

Arlan:  "Uncle Connor has lycanthropy!  I was coloring and I heard him say!!!"

Remmie and Faith both stare at Arlan.  "WHAT???"  Surely he was wrong!


A third son was born to Connor and Fatima.  Connor insisted on naming him Cujo.

The same day that afternoon, it was Dominick and Darren's birthday.  The trailer was so tiny, the only person invited to the party was Laurel.

Darren  in the blue - Knowledge - Max All Skills

Dominick in orange - Fortune - Become a World Class Ballet Dancer

Good looking boys!!!  Yes, they will play a a part in the Starving Artist Challenge in an indirect way!

Laurel:  "So Connor, are you going to help me out?  I wanna be a werewolf too.  (Knowledge Sims!  She hasn't lost the want since Connor turned).

Connor:  "Ok.  I can help you.  I think I know how, and it isn't a pleasant process.  But first, I want you to have this.  You will need it."

Laurel:  "What is it?"

Connor:  "It is a munchiebot.  It will bring you snacks.  Look.  When you become a werewolf, you are hungry almost all the time."

Laurel:  "Thanks!  Let's do this!"

Connor:  "Are you sure you are ready???"

Laurel:  "YES"

And the deed was done.............

Connor:  "Are you all right, Laurel?"

Laurel:  "I am great!  Finer than silk!  I feel like a new Sim!"

Back At The Starving Artist Homestead

Logan:  "OMG Laurel...what is going on with you?"

Laurel:  "Not a thing Logan....not a thing.  This is the new me."

Pack Leader Balin dropped by to welcome the newest member into the pack.  He was very happy and playful.

Natasha:  "I really admire your wolfie look Laurel..."

at the same time.....

Elisa:  "BOOOOO!" and Laurel:  "A-WOOOooooOOOO!!!!!"

Natasha:  "Well I was happy to see granny Elisa's ghost....but she sure scared me!"

Natasha:  "Darn...being pregnant, then Laurel being a werewolf, seems like we are constantly cooking around here....."

Remmie:  "Cough cough....ugh....***GACK***

Remmie:  "OMG....omg....what is happening to me...this just doesn't feel right....."

Remmie:  "Well...this is different."

Natasha:  "Oohhh! did mom do this 4 times....and three of times two babies came out!"

Little Jet was born.  The Count's son.  What a cutie this point Laurel naturally wanted another baby right away.  But did not know any other possible candidates to help her out with her baby project.  Yes, there was Zaed Robbins...but she had heard rumors about him....really didn't want his child.

Arlan:  "Woohoo!  I have a brother!  I have a brother!  YAAAAAAYYYYY!"

Natasha:  "Yes you do!  Aren't you a lucky brother!"

A few hours later...mabye a day later...Natasha reviewed her "little black book" and realized she had crossed paths with Jessie Day, the Exterminator.  They talked on the phone several times then decided to have a meet up downtown.   Oh my goodness, they fell in crush almost immediately.  (two bolt attraction!)

They harmonized beautifully!

Pictures were taken..and yes.  They woohooed right away!  They fell in love hard and quick.

A meet up at Games of Glory was in order.  Lots of pinball playing, talking and meeting new people.  Oh my, look who is here.  A new NPC...the "CHEF".  Ah.  Poor Jessie sat down to watch TV whilst Natasha socialized with CHEF and HOSTESS

Jessie loved Natasha so much, he brought her a piano knowing everyone in this house were creative folk.  (Jessie is a Family Sim).

It was placed in the painting room, but had to be removed and sold off, eventually.  Sims would make a beeline to play the piano instead of painting.

Berry:  "What a beautiful baby you are!  Yes you are!  Who is a good baby??  WHO???"

Natasha:  "I am pregnant!"

Laurel:  "And I am a werewolf!"

Both ladies were very happy these days...

What about Arlan?  Well he finally got that last creative skill point.  He nearly failed out of school because he was throwing his homework down on a carpet that was CC...and the homework did not lay on top of it.  It went under.  I didn't realize until this happened:

This was followed by a threatening Social Worker message.  The homework was eventually found.  The adults rallied getting Arlan into a good mood, then helping him with his homework.  *whew!*

All to soon it was Jet's birthday.

This looks like a happy scene.  But this is loooong after all this happened:

The Count of course was invited to his son's birthday party.  He flew into the house and kissed Natasha first thing.  This broke Remmie's heart.

He slapped her, she slapped him....Alran ran in the bedroom away from all the hate hate hate and cried.

Bad playing on ASimWen's part. but it made for some good drama.  Once all that was done, happy birthday sung, Jet finally got to have his birthday.

Oh my...he has his dad's ski jump nose.  Hahaha!  Good thing Sims don't pay much attention to looks.  Hey, if Jet can stand to have the nose, I can stand to play him!

Again Auntie Faith stepped up and did the toddler training.  The Count must be a softie at heart.  Jet immediately asked his dad for attention, and the Count picked him up.  Jet has a strong desire to know his dad.  Something tells me we will be seeing more of the Count in this house!

So what has Remmie been up to lately?  After turning into a PlantSim  (ASimWen's favorite TS2 lifestate)  He turned to writing novels.  Remmie isn't doing too well emotionally, always unhappy.  He and Arlan went fishing at some point which helped him some.

Not sure what is going on here with the ghosts...this message flips up occasionally.  But the ghost comes back to haunt another day.  I started watching them, and the "floating" animation would freeze...and the ghost would reappear a few squares away.  But I haven't tracked down exactly what happens when  this message appears.  Perhaps the ghost doesn't reappear.

Faith was feeling pretty good having worked up to a decent income on painting.  She felt as though she was the only Sim in the house now who painted on a regular basis.

Natasha:   "FRICKEN FRACKEN......If I am not cooking all the time, I am repairing this robot.  We are all getting fat from eating Chinese food....."

 Natasha:  "OOOhh I will never complain again about repairing robots!  This is much worse..oohh.."

Jessie Day's son Gomez was born.  Ooh look at that!  He has brown hair!

Remmie:  "What am I going to have to do to get another child???  It sure won't be with Natasha!"

It was bound to happen....birthday after happens at some point during large home play!  This time it is Arlan and Berry!

Whoops look at that!  Berry took a big aspiration hit!  Well alright...

His bestie the Therapist came by to help him out...and again the next morning upon rolling out of bed.  I thought, what is causing the constant plummeting of aspiration for Berry???  Oh there it is.  He keeps a fear of hearing werewolf howls.  lolol!  This is Challenge scoring hits!

Arlan waited patiently for his Uncle Berry's age up drama, then it was his turn to FINALLY to blow out his birthday candles.


FAMILY - Have Golden Anniversary
And Generation three enters teen-age hood!

Sorry Arlan you wan't see that can't get married if you stay in the house.  Doesn't he look like his dad!

Arlan:  "So hey man....does Auntie Fatima like your look?"

Connor:  "No."

(Dang, look at those Wolfie teeth...I never noticed before)

And we finish up this visit with the Starving Artist household with Remmie earning the hobby plaque in Film and Lit.  All that book writing!


Who is Connor calling???

Ah.  He called the animal trainer...and purchased several doses of Lycanthropic-B. Quickly, he drank it down.  There was no fanfare, no nothing.

Hello, old man Connor!  It has been a pleasure to play you~

Cujo also had a birthday~  What a cute kid....

Fatima made it to High School Teacher, which means what...she earned that all important skilling bookcase.  This further means...

Darren studied up to meet his LTW and he is now forever perm plat.  Dominick didn't do quite so well with his skilling.  But no matter!  The boys made it to University!

And that is it for this entry in the Starving Artist Challenge.  Maybe next chapter will answer:

  • Will Remmie ever forgive Natasha?  Will he get another child?
  • Will Jet contact the Count to come to the house?
  • And why is Fortune Sim Logan wishing for so much money out of the wishing well that he can't keep?
  • Oh how high will it go?  The selling price of Faith's paintings?
All this and more!  (maybe!)

See you there!

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