May 17, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.06

Count Vladimir:  (imagine Bella Lugosi) "My dear, come here.  You are delicious.  So delicious, I brave the sunlight to do nothing but kiss you."

Logan:  "Man oh Man....this has gotta stop....."

The Count swoops in least three times a week to kiss Natasha...then leaves just as quickly.  

Jet:  "Eh?  Blah blah blah...."

Arlan:  "I guess I am too big to scoot up to the activity table anymore...I get to paint like an adult!'

Arlan painting with his mother.

Logan:  "I wish I may, I wish I might...get a BIG FAT BAG OF MONEY."

I hate to say it...but it is birthday time again...

Berry has missed having a family of his own, and is in constant aspiration desperation.  He gladly helps with the kids however he can.  He is helping Jet with his birthday...  where is the Count?  He didn't make it for this.

Jet - Hey man, Imma good looking boy....who loves to paint!

Then it was Jessie Day's son...Gomez!  (ASimWen actually was asleep at the wheel and didn't get the dads invited.).

What a cutie patooty!

Gomez:  "Wheeeee!  Looky at me!"

Logan:  **YAWN***  "Well, I reckon this is a nice break from painting, painting, painting..."

Faith:  "Ok you can have a turn with the potty training.  I will do party clean up duty"

Gomez managed to get all his toddler training in before nap time, being in the fall training was extra fast.

Count Vlad:  "My dear.  So nice of you to call."

Natasha:  "Well, I figured I should call before you just show up in the middle of the day.  I want you to stick around for a while!"

Count Vlad:  "Just what I want to hear!"

This seems to be the safest place for Natasha to woohoo these days....


Logan:  "Alright!  I have made 25K from painting...this is a cause for celebration.  I think I will go wish for more money from the wishing well.

"Ouch!  Whaddup, buddy bag of money?  That wasn't nice...."

"OoooOOoohhhh!  What a headache......stop hitting me in the head!"

"Oh well this is different....dang that feels hot...  *phew*

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.............................


Arlan:  "I can't believe he is gone.  Why was he always running out here and wishing for money???"

Faith:  "Boohoo...I have known him since, well forever!  I can't believe my twin is am I going to keep going?"

Laurel:  "Buh-bye brother.  You really accepted my wolfieness...."

Elisa:  "Another one bites the dust...."

Natasha:  "First Sage did the foolish thing of laying outside looking at the sky all the time and got killed by a satellite.  Then Logan had to keep wishing for money from that blasted wishing well.  Two of my brothers gone.  Boohoo!  Ewww...." *barf*

That bath was nice....Oohh Count Vlad......

Laurel:  "I was so hungry I grabbed the first thing handy.  Yes this Chinese food had been sitting here all day.....tastes all right....  (she did this all by herself....)

Laurel:  Oh my stomach hurts so bad...wish I hadn't eaten that bad food...

Laurel:  "And that young how I learned to talk."

Remmie:  Oh brother....

Jet:  "Can somebody help me with this homework.  I don't get it."

Natasha:  I am pregnant again....Count Vlad....

Remmie:  "Fire!  Fire!  Holy cow...all five pine trees caught at the same time...  Oh.  they went out by themselves...maybe I better go read up on fire safety."

Laurel:  "Oh  "  One point off of the Challenge....

Jessie:  "Thank you for inviting me to Gomez's birthday party, Natasha. *kisses hand*

Natasha:  "I am glad you came, Jessie.  Gomez will love seeing his dad."

Group (Accept forever hungry Laurel):  Happy birthday to youUUUUuuuU  Gomez!!!


Hi there Gomez!!!!  What a good looking kid!  (Of course ASimWen thinks they are all good looking)

Soon after Gomez's birthday, his one and only sister MITZI was born.  Of course, Berry was extremely excited there was another baby in the house.  Natasha was sort of thinking this would be the last one...

Natasha:  "Yes, mom had four pregnancies, and so shall I.  Four.  That is it."

Jet:  "Mom! I got an A+ on my report card!"

Natasha:  "Go you, Jet!  I am so proud of you."

Gomez:  "I like to play video games....."

Natasha:  "Gomez get in front of the easel.  That is more fun.  That computer is for Remmie to write books on."

Gomez:  "Aunite Faith you are so much fun."

Faith:  "Just this one time Gomez, then you need to go paint.  I will paint with you."

Faith:  "I wish I may, I wish I might be the very best auntie possible.  No ghost color than white...."

Faith:  "Well, here goes nothing...OOOhhh...I love my new hairstyle and color.  Gotta do something about this nightgown though."

Faith had a friend grow up too.  This guy's last name is Skinner.  He was in Fatima's family tree.  Believe he is her grandpa.

Boys:  " was kissing a man that is neither of our dads!"

Berry:  "Settle down boys.  Remington is Arlan's it is ok."

Remington kissed her all on his own, and started floating spores of happiness which was raising everyone's needs.  He and Natasha moved thier makeout session outside, as ASimWen didn't want Laurel's needs recovering too much....

Faith: "See boys? See what a good Auntie I am? I will spend time with you and will paint with you until the cows come home."

Laurel:  *Burp*  *GAG*  " belly hurts so much.  Just wish I hadn't eaten that food with flies all over it...

Laurel:  "I'm going...going...gone..."

Natasha:  "Boohoo!  Not another twin!

Arlan:  "Ick.  Lemme get out of the way....."

Flopped onto the floor under the table.  That is really inconvenient for pictures.  *moveobjects*

Grimmie:  "Mumbo jumbo...diddly squat....another one, eh?  Oh I see.  You have a thing for killing off twins in this house...."

Yes, it was after this death I realized that the three sets of twins in Generation 2 had all been broken up by death....

Soon after Laurel's passing, Arlan received a phone call:

Arlan: "Gee Caryl (Ghast) it sure is great to be out with you. Lots of drama at my house."

 Caryl: "Well you can forget all about that for now. Let's have some fun."

Arlan:  "Gee Caryl you are a good dancer!"

Caryl: "You dance great too, Arlan!''

Arlan:  "Hey look.  Lemme get a cell phone so I can call you without anyone at home hearing our conversation."

Arlan:  "Gee Caryl you are the best....hey guy!"

Sacha Capehart:  "Hey dude.  Nice to meet you."

 Arlan:  "And so, first it was my Uncle Sage.  Yeah.  He was killed by a satellite that fell out of space."

Caryl:  **GASP!!**

Arlan:  "Then my Uncle Logan had a huge bag of simoleons fall on his head.  Yup.  Gone."

Caryl:  **EWWW!**

Arlan:  " And just today my Auntie Laurel passed away from eating food with flies on it."

Caryl:  "Oh you poor boy.  Let's kiss."

Arlan:  "That's what I am talkin' about!"


  Arlan:  "Things are going my way!  I got me a girl, I got a hobby I can make real money!"

Remmie:  "Natasha, now that we seem to be getting along better, I would like to be a real family with you instead of just the garden guy here.  Let's get engaged."

Natasha:  "Remmie, I have loved having you here, and so has Arlan.  I don't have the feelings for you that I should to get engaged.  I'm sorry.  I want you to stay.  So does Arlan."

Vince:  "Thank you for considering our school for your children's education."

Natasha:  "Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Headmaster.  Come on in and have a look."

Vince:  "Your home passes inspection.  But what in the have quite a large grave yard on your property."

Natasha:  "We cannot fathom to be departed too far from our loved ones, Mr. Walters.  So we keep them here."

Vince:  "That sounds reasonable to me.  The Spartan children start tomorrow morning at the school."

Mitzi Spartan:

Sparing all the birthday party pictures....

We end this visit with the Starving Artist Homestead with Natasha taking toddler training duty.


 Cousin Gomez came over after school a couple of times.  Cujo quickly made friends.  Now he was friends with both Jet and Gomez, back at the Starving Artist House.

He invited his cousins Jet and Gomez over for his birthday but they left before the cake was cut.  His older brothers made it home from University to attend the party.

Fortune - Become a World Class Ballet Dancer

Fatima reached TOC....and incidentally had her birthday the next day.  

Happy Birthday Fatima! Fatima had won a huge bonus at work. Add that to the simoleons Connor was making selling robots off the crafting table the family now has enough money to move to a house, which they will do next round.


Darren and Dominick finish up their Freshman year.  Go you, guys!

Well next chapter we should see the heiress Natasha age up to elder, which means it will be the last chapter for Generation Two!  Woo!

Oh, I guess you might be wondering how many simoleon bags Logan wished for before he was fatally boinked.

Add two more to these.  I found one more bag hiding under a bush, and then the one that did him in.  I probably could have accomplished it quicker, but I was not thinking about his needs level.  He was wishing for simoleons on full needs and only once a day at first, then he ramped it up to wishing every twelve hours on less than desirable needs.    This is the first time I have accomplished Death By Wishing Well.

See you next time!


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