May 21, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.07

Arlan:  "Dad, dad, dad!  I got an A."

Remmie:  "I am proud of you son! I knew you could do no different"

Gomez:  (on the right) "Hey Jet.  we should be doing our homework instead of playing."

Jet:  "Naw.   I am going to play.  You go do it if you want.  Today is my birthday and I get to see my dad.  I don't want to ruin it with homework."

Gomez: "Your dad is weird."



Romance - Become a Rock God
Jet, while you have the look and kewl name for a Rock God...sorry buddy, you won't see it.  You are relegated to a life of painting and writing books. Maybe we will get you a gee-tar so you can pretend.

Of course since there was a birthday party in progress, the ghosts came out in force.  Hey looky there is Logan!  Wishing Well death does not give a kewl ghost color, just what is described as "white".  There is Frannie..hadn't seen her in a good while.  She managed to scare Count Vlad.

And there is Laurel sporting the beautiful chartreuse green color of Death by Disease.  Since it is nighttime, she is in her werewolf form.  In this picture left to right:  Arlan, Cousin Cujo, Count Vlad, Faith, and Fatima.  No, Fatima is not startled by Laurel's ghost, she is dancing.


Mitzi Spartan

Natasha:  "Come on honey...blow out the candles.  There it is.  You can do it!"

Mitzi:  "Yay go me!  I am grown up to kid.  *clap clap*  My favorite color is pink."


Nature Lady:  "Hey.  Hey you....stop.  I have your membership to Peerless Park."  *sigh*  "Oh all right.  I'll just drop it in the mail to you..."

Gomez:  "Hey Arlan.  I painted and painted.  I painted a picture and I sold it for $125.  Yeah right???  That is the most money I have ever made in my life."

Berry:  "I have studied up on fire safety around the house.  We were lucky all those trees catching on fire in the back yard last week didn't catch the house on fire...."

Natasha:  "Whew.  All the kids pile into the school bus in the morning!.  The house is so quiet now!"

Berry:  "I miss them....."

Remmie:  "Come on Bear.  They are only going to be gone for a few hours.  You can last until 1:00 when the first ones come home."


Happy birthday to yooouuuuu Gomez!
Jessie:  "I am sooo proud of my boy!"

Gomez:  "I am glad you came, dad!"

Cousin Cujo:  "Woo!  Go you, Gomez!"



LTW - Earn 100K
This just might be doable!  Would be tough, though.

Natasha!  Happy Birthday to you!

One minute she is middle aged, the next minute she is a silver senior!

Go you, Natasha!  This means that the baton officially moves over to Generation Three...who are still teenagers.  But Arlan will be aging up soon!  

To celebrate the numerous birthdays, the family headed out to have a little fun.  Gomez didn't come, preferred to stay home and paint.

Berry:  "Good thing it ain't snowin'....we wouldn't be sitting out here to eat."

Mitzi:  "Oh yummy.  Love this hotdog....Auntie Faith, is yours good?"

Faith:  "Yes darlin', it is delicious."

Natasha:  "Only $2,400?  That is a bargain!"  Yes, it was time to buy up some new clothes for the family.  Natasha went on a spending spree.

Arlan:  "Dad, this is where Caryl and I had a dream date.  Right here at this table."

Remmie:  "Oh yeah?  Nice place.  Bet you kids had fun."

Back Home..

Gomez:  "Hey thanks Art Lady.  I could always use a hobby plaque."  (not).  "Oh how I love to paint, paint, paint...."

Arlan Spartan

Happy birthday, Arlan!!!!
Yes, Generation three is growing right on up......


Ah!  Looks like his girlfriend Caryl had a birthday too~!!  Doesn't Arlan look like his dad??  Excepting the Plantsimmie-ness.

The birthday party was a huge success!  The cops had to come and break it up.  Cousin Cujo fairly ran from the policewoman.  Wonder what was going on there???

Right away, Arlan wanted to see Caryl.  They met up at Cafe Petite.  First item on the agenda...lots of talking and laughing, then a drink.  Arlan threw "get engaged to Caryl" and "get married".  Sorry Arlan, she is just going to be your main squeeze.

A nice bowl of Grandma's Soup was in order.  Didn't realize that Cafe Petite was for OFB...running a bakery.  No one to serve food.  Arlan had to cook the soup so he and  Caryl could have dinner.

And the date ends with a kiss.  I love this couple, even though they are just a one bolt attraction.

And we end this visit with the Starving Artist household with a little toilet entertainment.  hahaha

Next round this questions may be answered:

  • Just how long will Berry live?
  • Will Remmie get another child?
  • Will any more Sims die????
  • How about the Heiress Mitzi?  
That and more.  So, what is going on at the Trailer Park?

As mentioned last chapter, due to a nice large bonus for Fatima, the family had enough simoleons to move to a new house.  The family snagged this nice rancher, very '70s.  Connor threw a wish to get a job in politics or athletics, and managed to get a PT job in athletics.  His robot building bench is now sitting in the garage gathering dust.  It served it's purpose.

Cousin Cujo being a Fortune Sim wanted to get into Private School, and so it was.  If you will notice, there is no Food Points in the final total.  Clicking on Headmaster and choosing Call For Dinner wasn't working, so Cujo had to rely on his gift for gab to get the points.

Connor reached TOC in the elder athletic career, go you Connor!  When he isn't working, yeah, he is hitting the robot bench and selling lots of Servos at a 3k profit.  And, Cousin Cujo fell in love with Sophie Miguel, they are a two bolt attraction.  I see University in Cujo's future...keeps a constant want.  
Speaking of UNIVERSITY...

Cujo decided not to hang around the house anymore, and headed out.  Sophie came with him.  Cujo's older brothers had been wishing for him to come join them, so he did.  Right away after their first kiss, both Cujo and Sophie rolled "get engaged."  And so it was.  :)

Go you, Cujo!  Hope you and Sophie have a happily ever after.

This picture is the official end of Generation Two.  Darren and Dominick (in the back) have officially finished their Sophomore year of Uni, Cujo and Sophie are half way through their Freshman year.

Now is a good time to give a financial status of the Starving Artist Household.

$148,531 cash
$212,148 net worth

Needless to say, they are no longer starving.

This number will be given at the end of every generation.

Have fun everyone, and thanks for stopping by!


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