Arlan: "Phew. Now I know everything I need to know about Sim physiology. That knowledge will come in handy, for sure."
Arlan: "Woah! Woah! Dang this thing is fast...."
Having studied physiology and subsequently gained 10 body skill points as a result, Arlan gained strength that enabled him to take a wild ride in the Dance-O-Sphere. He rode nearly all night. Until at one point, he disappeared.
He was absent for two full hours...then popped back into the Sphere as if nothing at all had happened. Where did he go? Did he know he poofed away? And then poofed back in?
The next day....oooohh my. Of course Remmie was out of his mind with anticipation, he was finally going to be a grandpa! He had been wishing so long for a grandchild, but not having a daughter put a roadblock on that idea. Until Arlan figured it out.
Arlan: "Yeah, I figured it was the least I could do. Having been saved from Death and all."
Remmie: "Hi little one! This is your grandpappy Remmie. I can't wait to see you! You need to hurry up and come out!" Then to Arlan: "Boy I don't know how you accomplished this, and I don't want to know. I am just glad and I am here for you, and the baby."
Arlan: "Well dad it is no more of a mystery then how you turned into a PlantSim."
Mitzi: "What do you mean...a baby? A real live baby? How did you do that? I am the Heiress...I am the one who is supposed to carry on the Spartan name and Artist line."
Arlan: "Don't worry about it sis. You are still the Heiress. I am doing this for dad. He doesn't have much time left and he wan'ts a grand child so bad. He is so unhappy. Being that I can't get married and all because of the legacy Granny Frannie left. This was the only way."
Mitzi: "My birthday is soon. Then we will see."
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Left to right: Mitzi's dad Count Vlad, Headmaster Vince Walters, Handyman Waylon Fairchild, Remmie, and Cousin Cujo. |
Mitz: "Blah blah blah....burble-gurble....ehhhh!"
Doc: "Oh I see my dear. You grew up in a bad outfit? Yes? All you have to do is visit the dresser right upstairs, or, go to the store and buy some new things. Now now. You don't have to stay in those clothes for long. That is 100 simoleons, please. Have a nice day."
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Mitzi Spartan - Heiress Generation 3 Fortune - Earn 100K |
Mitzi: ***BAWL*** "I didn't go to University. I bottomed out on my birthday. My brother is having a baby before me." *sob* "AND I AGED UP IN A BAD OUTFIT!!!!"
ASimWen: "One thing you have going for you, is you already have two potential lovers with one more waiting in the wings."
Mitzi: "OOohhh......"
Count Vlad: "BLEH!! Congratulations on the impending birth, Remington! May your grandson be a pillar of strength! And not a vampire hunter!"
Remmie: "Thank you, Count Vlad!"
Since Headmaster Vince was busy socializing with her father and Arlan's dad...Mitzi sneaked off with Waylon to the bedroom to get some birthday woohoo, something she was wishing for! They quickly fell in love!
For his age, Waylon had a "way" about him. Mitzi wasn't disappointed!
Arlan couldn't get enough to eat these days.....
ASimWen: "Hi Cousin Cujo! I see you have been in the hot tub. Dang. Didn't know you were so ripped."
Cujo: "Yeah, too bad the party is over. And thanks. It is all that bicycle riding at Uni that does it."
Mitz: "Hi yes. I would like to buy this big pile of clothes. My therapist says I need new clothes."
"Oh Rodolfo! I love it!"
Upon returning home...............
Mitzi: "Vince, it is so great to see you.......come on in for some dinner." Building up those relationships...
Meanwhile Jet is getting mean because he hasn't dated in a while...and was called out right in the middle of Mitzi's dinner party.
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Jet: "Yeah, she is pretty nice!"
ASim: "But what about Meredith??"
Jet: "I love Meredith. I like Marcia. There is a difference."
ASimWen: "It appears she loves you, Jet. I dunno..."
Jet: "Well, that is her problem. It is totally one sided, I assure you."
Mitzi: "Oh Vince...Now that I am grown, well, we can be real friends."
Vince: "I am flattered."
ASimWen: I am sure this cut scene happened because it was Vince's first kiss? It certainly wasn't Mitzi's.
Vince: "Are you certain this is a good idea???"
Mitzi: "Oh yes Vince. I am VERY sure."
And so it was.
Arlan: "Man, that is what it is all about. Being a family."
Vince: "I would like so much to have a family."
Arlan: "Hey. You are in your underware. While you eat spaghetti. At my table."
Vince: "Um, yeah. Let me go put on my pants."
Mitzi's dinner party was a big success. After having the great date with Marcia, Jet was in a good mood again to resume work in the garden. He was delivered a bronze badge for his gardening prowess. Mitzi sold her first best seller and received a nice aspiration boost, putting her in platinum.
In the middle of the night, Arlan woke with a terrible terrible tummy ache. He moaned so loud, he was heard by everyone in the house.
Of course. He is a Family Sim. In ASimWen's delirium, she may have turned on the twins perk back when she didn't think Arlan would need to personally produce children. The story line has a way of changing things.
This is Orchid.
And this is Ophelia. Two little girls. Cutie patooties!
Despite his feelings for his bother, Jet came to the bedroom to see his new nieces. Yes, the girls will be staying upstairs with their father until they grow up a little.
Jet: *humming the itsy bitsy spider while spraying the plants* "Oh wait. What is that. cough cough
Jet: ; "Oh geesh. This is why Remington wanted me to spray the plants. I don't believe it. Hey. Maybe this is a good look for me...."
"Well I guess we will see what the chicks think."
Remmie: "I am the only plantsim around here!"
Jet: "No, I am the only plantsim around here...."
Mitzi: "Finally! Finally I can get the legacy going!"
ASimWen: Who's da daddy.....
Nature Lady: "Hi there Jet. You can now come to my park... Peerless Park...and fish, garden, what ever you want. Hope to see you there."
Jet: "ummm thanks? Just to let you know, I didn't ask for this."
Then the day came for Remmie to have his Grim party. Strangely, Gomez was the first one present for the party.
Well this is a pretty good inheritance. Despite what I emphasized when Faith passed, I will be cheating this out. As well as Faith's retained inheritance. My first thought was well, they don't need the simoleons anyway, but including this will muddy up how much money the family has made by the end of the challenge.
It was a tight schedule. Remmie's passing, then the girl's cake up day.
Jet: "Yeah. Leave it to Arlan to steel Remmie's thunder"
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Jet: "Alright Arlan. Let's have it out!" *punch*
Arlan: "It is bad enough that you became a plantsim like my father. You can never live up to my father! Leave Ophelia and Orchid alone. Just go and be with your girlfriends."
Jet: "Fine. I will sit here in Remmie's chair at his computer and write books like he did."
Arlan: " dad loved everyone. Even you...and you could take a lesson!"
"Hi. My name is Gomez. I am the girl's uncle and I am allowed to spend time with my new neices. I am low laying...easy going...and I love everyone."
Literary Guy: "Hi Mitzi. I visit once again *hoping I don't get scared by a ghost cat* to present you with your hobby plaque in Film and Literature. "
Mitzi: "Thanks guy. We should just give you your own room here."
Literary Guy: "I don't mind the commute."
Mitzi: "Oohhh! Time for the baby! Time for the baby! Jet, get some hot towels!"
Oh my what a lovely little red headed girl! Meet Evonne.
And this ends this visit with the Starving Artist Household! Generation 4 is well on the way!
At the former Trailer Park
Dominck and Darren arrived home from University! Whoopee! Dominick is on the left, and Darren on the right. Umm Darren you will need to change your everyday clothes out of that smoking jacket..
The first thing the boys did was look for a job.....Darren coveted a wish to work on the military which was fine...really it was. He was allowed to work this until the job he needed came up. He reached the top in two days.
Dominick wanted a job in Athletics, which came right up, what a coincidence. He recieved a nice punching bag right away. Then the job he needed came up. OOOh...
Ah. He needed a job in Natural Science. He also received the career reward for that. Darren eventually got a job in the Paranormal. That was also the job he needed.
Eamon the Servo began running his attempt to turn off Eamon, Dominick was badly shocked. Almost passed to the Sim afterlife with only a shred of life left. But he made it. **Whew**
Mitzi's beau Waylon Fairchild came over and fixed Eamon as good as new.
Fatima passed, in platinum. Good for her. Fatima had maintained a close relationship with her all three of her children but unfortunately didn't live to see Cujo graduate from University. She had a wish to see three kids graduate.
Cujo and his fiancee Sophie Miguel graduated from Uni and went back to the neighborhood.
Bonus Pic
This was accidentally generated by my clumsy fingers right after Remmie passed. This shows the upper level/balcony that enables the Starving Artists to stay away from the ghosts much of the night. The smaller building is the mausoleum.
And that is it....see you next time!
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