May 11, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.04

Berry:  "Mutter mutter.... No one does any work around here but me.  They stand at the painting easles all day, while I cook and garden.  Heck.  Somebody needs to do it."

Natasha:  "Laurel.  I think I am pregnant...!"

Laurel:  "Well well well.  I am the one who talked about all the woohoo I was gonna get, and now looky at you. "

Laurel:  "One two, buckle my shoe.  Three four, shut the door.   Five six, pick up sticks. Seven eight, shut the gate....  Nine ten, a big fat hen......  Geesh.  Gotta work off this energy somehow...."

Laurel:  "Well Natasha, do you have any news you need to tell us?"

Natasha:  "Yes.  Yes I do.  I am going to have a baby....soon."

Logan:  "Wha...wha...what?  I am gonna be an uncle?"

Remmie:  "Ah.  A child.  Can I assume I am the father?"

Natasha:  "Yes Remmie, you are the daddy.  I think."

Remmie:  "WooHoo!  I am gonna  be a dad!"

Sage:  "Boooo!"

Natasha:  Oh Sage!  Leave me alone!  I need my rest!  You have a neice or nephew on the way!"

Sage:  "BOOOOO!"

Berry:  "Hey man, thanks or helping.  I really appreciate it."

Logan:  "It's okay.  It is a sleepless night for me. Might as well be productive."

Berry:  "Because of your help, the garden ready for tomorrow."

Berry:  "Hi there.  Yes. I would like to submit my property for the Garden Club inspection.  Dreamland.  Yup, on the edge of town by the sea.  "blah blah blah"    Thank you.  See you then.

Berry:  "Good morning, Ms. Zarubin."

Tiffany Zarubin:  "I am very excited to be inspecting your gardens, young man.  I can already tell you have put a lot of effort into it."

Berry:  "I don't do it alone, ma'am.  My brother is involved as well."

Tiffany Zarubin:  "I will call the rest of the Club members and we will get started right now."

Logan guarded the vegetable garden watching for any weeds that might spring up during the inspection.  Berry was so hungry from working on it all night he went inside to eat!

The inspection didn't last long.....although Tiffany Zarubin was really infatuated with the scarecrow.  She stared at it for quite a while.

Tiffany Zarubin:  "Well Mr. Spartan.  It is great.  Absolutely gorgeous.  Your prize is a few simoleons and a wishing well.  Be careful what you wish for."

Berry:  "Thank you!  Thank you Ms. Zarubin!"

House is looking good these days.  Despite the smoking satellite in the back yard.

Natasha:  *Huffing and puffing*  "Can' me up!  There!  I am in the Sue's Kitchen too!

Remmie:  "My sweet darling.  Don't put out so much energy.  Go lay down and grow a healthy little Remmie!"

Laurel:  Oh brother.....doesn't that guy ever go home???

Natasha:  "Guys...guys....the baby is coming!"

Faith:  "Quick Remmie!  Berry!  Boil some water!  Get some hot towels!  And a pair of scissors!"

Awww! A single baby for once!  What a cutie patooty.  Meet Arlan Spartan.  The first born of generation 3.

Remmie:  "That is my son.  My boy.  I don't want to leave....and go home.  I want to stay here and be here for him.

Laurel:  "I can't believe I am the mother of a little boy...ooh...I guess I better feed him.  Maybe."

Faith:  "Woohoo!  Go you, Natasha and Remmie!  I am an aunt now!"

Remmie:  "Congratulations on the perfect Garden Club score, Berry.  You and Logan did a mighty fine job out there."

Berry:  "Hey thanks man.  I think the wishing well will come in really handy.  I am glad I was able to get it for my family to use."

Natasha:  "Remmie would you like to live here and help care for Arlan? "

Remmie:  "I would.  Yes.  I will move my things in right away."

Natasha:  "We are carrying on my mother's legacy by keeping this house an Artists house.  We make our living by painting or writing books.  Can you do that?"

Remmie:  "Yup I can.  I am loaded with artistic type skills!"

Natasha:  "Well then you are welcome to move in."

Remington Harris
Family - Become Captain Hero
ASimWen:  "Hi Remmie!  Glad to see you in the Starving Artist house!"

Remmie:  "Glad to be here, ASimWen.  Hope I don't provide a ghost color."

ASimWen:  "Well you never know.  I don't even know right now.  But I am sure you will find some way to contribute points to the challenge."

Remmie brought 7K with him to the house.  It was cheated right back out.

Kaylynn Langerack
Remmie's maid replacement at the Starving Artist House.

Remmie:  I could do this to bring in a paycheck.  Yes I could.  It is more palatable than cleaning toilets."

Natasha:  "  Yes it is easy work.  Good pay.  The longer you do it the more money you get.  Faith is up to getting 700 simoleons or more for her paintings.  So is Logan.  Me not quite so much, or Berry.  We have other things we do around here."

Muse Lady: "Remington Harris.  Due to your artistic talents, you have been given a membership in the My Muse Art Studio.  Congratulations."

Birthday Time....
A party was had....Connor and Fatima came over for the festivities.  The Spartans were always about having a reunion, and everyone always gets the Family Reunion memory.

Oh my...he is a miniature Remington!  Except with his mama's black hair.

Logan was the only one not in green aspiration, so he made the smart milk and started the toddler potty training.

Remmie:  "Oh no..oh no...I can't believe I made a mess...of myself!"

Laurel:  "Remmie get up for gosh sakes.  Stop the drama.  You just met Sage's ghost.  He will go around scaring for a while, then he should calm down."

Faith quickly sold a painting which put her in platinum.  She was able to finish up Arlan's training.

Berry:  "Woo hoo..looky at these beauties."

ASimWen:  "What are you going to do with all that produce, Berry?"

Berry:  "Well I can't sell it.  So I guess it will just stay in my inventory....maybe make some tomato juice with it."

(Fortune Sim) Logan:  "I wish...I wish....for a great big bag of money!"

ASimWen:  "Logan, you know you can't have a bag of money in this house."

Logan:  "I know.  I just like money appearing for nothing."

The money bag was placed in a pile in the back yard behind the gravestones...where all the ghost beds are.  It wouldn't go in Logan's inventory.

Remmie:  Hey I am fitting right in.  I now know everything about creativity that I need to make lots of money.  Ouch!  What was that.....Sage...stop scaring me....oh thanks Muse Lady for the hobby plaque.

Natasha went out looking for the Count...being a Knowledge Sim she has an "unnatural" attraction to him.....

Natasha:  "oOohhh....vampiric woohoo!

Count:  "BLEH!"

Zaed: (to the far right, Natasha's first crush)  "What?  What just went on here....."

Natasha:  "How can I see the Count if Zaed keeps showing up...and Remmie is at home????"

In the meanwhile back at home....

Natasha was an attentive and happy mother. She felt a strong urge to have another child....

Arlan makes into My Muse....and the birthday message popped with him having 9 skill points earned in Creativity.  I was hoping to have it maxed out...but my desire to cake him up outweighed that!

Once again, everyone gathered 'round for Arlan's birthday.  More family reunion memories.


I love it...what a carbon copy of Remmie!

A day or two later....Natasha was on the watch again for the Count.

She met up with him at Maple Springs Pool and Spa...up on the roof.  Don't they look enamored with each other!


It was a magic evening until this crotchety old lady broke up the romantic atmosphere.


The "action" was moved back to Natasha's house...plenty far enough away from the house that Remmie wouldn't catch on to what was happening.  Something in the air says the Count won't be coming back....


Connor and Fatima are in heavenly wedded bliss, and reveled in their twin sons.

They can't imagine any other life for themselves.  Fatima's job finally came up on the computer, she nabbed a position as a playground monitor.

Fatima was doing well in her job.  She got promoted up to substitute teacher right away.

Fatima:  "Yes!  Go me!"

The boys Dominick and Darren were doing well in school, how could they not when their mother worked there?  That would be an embarrassement for the family if they didn't.  Oh and look who came over after school! Cousin Arlan from the Starving Artist household.

Arlan was quite the outgoing child, making friends with everyone in the trailer park who would listen to him.....

Whilst his cousins were inside doing their homework.  One day....

Connor:  "Hey Berry, it has been a while since we have really talked.  I kinda feel bad about it so I made you these.  You know, to help you around the house."

Berry:  "Gee Connor thanks!"

Berry:  "Heeey!  Two cleaning bots, a sentry bot, and a robot!  I can't think of anything else I would rather have!  I will take these right home and get them set up."

One evening, Connor's favorite stray dog, Balin came by to visit.  By now they were best friends.  Balin bit him....a playful nip.

Connor:  "Ouch!  Boy, what is up with that???"

Connor didn't feel so well.  Not at all.  What was in that bite anyway???


Fatima wasn't thrilled that her husband became a werewolf after sundown.  But that didn't stop....

A third son from being born.  What did they name him?

Why.... CUJO....of course.  :)

Lots of great stuff brewing in this neighborhood!  Stay tuned!


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