May 10, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.03


Fatima was desperately trying to find a job.  "I sure wish I had not lost my position in the Starving Artist Challenge!"  she thought.  "There are no teaching positions posted!"

There was one person in the Starving Artist household who had not forgotten about Fatima.  These were bright days for Fatima and Connor.  Yes, Connor was the man of the house with his brothers and sisters but doggone it....Fatima was everything he wanted in a woman, wife.

Fatima's neighbors came to visit her.  "Yes, I just moved in.  I used to live across town in the Staving Artist house.  Lost my job there, now I live in this trailer park."

She met everyone who lived in the park.  they would just walk into her house all hours of the day.  Sometimes she wan't even presentable.  But, at least she wasn't lonely!

Back at the Starving Artist house, big things were happening.  Time was moving quickly as Connor met more and more Sims and made friends with each one.  Connor finally had twenty best friends!  (it is only fitting he reached this milestone with Simself ASimWen).

One day Fatima showed up at the house with some big news.  Connor was so happy he was beside himself.    "Hi baby!  This is your daddy! Hi hi!  Peek a boo!  I can't wait to meet you!"

Connor wanted to do right by Fatima and his child.  Of course it wasn't hard!  He loved Fatima more than all the gold on earth.

"You want me?  Yes, yes.  Let's do it!"  Fatima was relieved her child's daddy wanted to be a family with her and the baby.

Lo and behold, the first engagedment in the Starving Artist household.  Awwww!

Buh bye Connor....he moved out of the house to be with Fatima at the trailer park.  

Berry:  "Well, Connor moved out, good for him.  Now it is just us."

Natasha:  "We will be fine.  We are grown ups, we can run this place and pay the bills.  Mom taught us all how to paint and blog.  We can do it."

Berry: "She taught us how to cook too."  (Berry gets his membership to Sue's Kitchen).  

Right away Berry felt a burning desire to challenge his cooking skills against other Sims.  He headed out for Sue's Kitchen, as the chef told him they were having a contest that very afternoon.  His cheesecake won against the chef's chocolate mousse.

After the contest, Berry asked the chef for some pointers. He received two lessons, free! For winning the contest. He know knew everything the chef had to offer.
Sage arrived at the Kitchen during the contest.  So did the Count.

Sage and the Count felt an instant dislike for each other and made a great show of poking and shoving each other.  Finally it went to fisticuffs.

That put a damper on Berry's great success at Sue's and demanded he and Sage go home RIGHT NOW.  On the way home Berry muttered if Connor had been at the house that never would have happened.

Upon returning home, Berry ran inside and Sage lingered in the yard giving Berry's comments some thought.  Sage saw something move in the corner of his eye. It was a bat!

It flew right into the house where Berry was enjoying his dinner.

It was the Count...the Grand Vampire.  He flew a long way from Downtown to the suburbs...Just to get slapped around again by Sage.

The Count grew tired of fisticuffs, and joined Natasha at the chess board.  They became friends over  the game.  The Count thought too bad she had a rotten brother....

The next evening Natasha's friends invited her downtown to a club and the Count was there.  They had a great meet up.  But when she wasn't looking...he was up to his vampiric ways.

Life was good.  Berry enjoyed cooking for the family...had lost any interest in painting.  He was allowed to do just that.  It seemed like mom was there with them all the time, watching over.

Natasha played so much chess the gaming dude came by to see her.... (Plus it was also autumn.  She was amassing logic points.)

Things were going too well.  Tragedy struck.  Literally.  (Death by Satellite.  Challenge points).

The tragic incident behind them, the family gathered for Natasha and Laurel's birthday.  The last birthday for a while in the Starving Artist home.  Natasha invited some special guests.


Knowledge - Max All Skills

Natasha's twin Laurel did not feel the same way about having a birthday....

 My oh my....not sure if she is in aspiration failure because she didn't go to college or because of the bad outfit....

Knowledge - Become a Space Pirate
Horrible life.  Poor little girl.

Since there was a birthday party happening, the ghosts were out haunting.  Hello Sage!  Orange Death!  All that hard ground star gazing finally paid off.  For the Challenge.

Natasha's special guests.  Zaed Robbins, The Count, and the maid Remington Harris.  All possible baby daddies.

Natasha had a look over the room, after dancing with each man. Hmmmm.  Zaed glows the brightest.  Of course...he is Knowledge like her.

The party wrapped up and everyone headed home having been glad to have attended.

Remington managed to get himself invited to stay in the house every day after he was done cleaning.

There was a whole lot of flirting going on between the two.  It seemed as though Remmie sweetly and secretively had a crush on Natasha.

Saturday was a day out for everyone.  Natasha and Laurel headed out to the beauty salon and got their hair done.  Needed something new after becoming adults.  Natasha loved her new look.

So did Laurel.  Both women looked like a new Sim!

After their beauty salon makeovers the ladies met up with their siblings at the park for a cookout.

They men tried talking to some women other then their sisters...  Logan found a woman who called her self Diva....gave him mixed messages.  Seemed to like him but showed boredom with his conversation.  Berry met the lady whom he knew was the evil witch, but found her completely and utterly interesting.  The big turn off came when she wielded her wand and conjured up a thunderstorm, ending the outing with his family.

Laurel:  "Now I can woohoo without anyone thinking anything about it, Faith."

Faith:  "Yep I reckon you can.  I hadn't even thought about doing it."

Sunday was a dating day for Natasha.  "Zaed, our picture turned out good!"

Zaed:  "Of course it would.  I am so photogenic. "

Zaed:  "Natasha, do you remember.  This is the exact spot where we first met.  Right here in front of the photo booth."

Natasha:  "Of course I do....You approached me and just started talking to me."

Zaed:  "I couldn't help myself....just as I can't help myself right now....."

Zaed and Natasha shared her first kiss, as an adult.

But when she returned from her outing with Zaed....Remmie was waiting for her.  OOohhh my.


The family spent funds to redecorate a little. There was now over 65K in the family bank.  Yes.  Lots of painting. 

Yes, the TV BJ Ryan gave Frannie was still being used.  Cabinets were just resurfaced, as well as the fridge.  It was really busy...but everyone loved it.  They lived so long with drab colors and mismatched furniture this seemed like royalty!


Connor and Fatima threw a heckuva wedding party.

The party was a roof raiser, and ended none too soon.  The party over and the mess cleaned up, Fatima went into labor.

It was twinsies!  Of rouse....Fatima is a Family Sim with twins perk turned on.  (ASimWen is not going to turn that on any more!  The chance is just too high!)  

Meet Connor's sons....Darren and Dominick!

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