May 7, 2020

The Starving Artist - Gen 2.02

Ah.  Someone in the house has ordered pizza, and Remington was quick to take this delivery.  He was very embarrassed over his behavior toward BJ Ryan and had stayed away from the house unless invited.

Like Frannie, he was getting on in years and just found life hard sometimes.  The best he could do was give his girls a little space and see what happened from there.  Let them control their relationship.

"Hi Dad!"  Laurel was very glad to see him.  "I am glad you brought the pizza. Do you have time to come in and visit for a while?"

"I can squeeze in a few minutes!"  Remmie was delighted to come in and see the girls, and yes, hoped to see Frannie too.

"I have missed you, Fran.  Really."

"Oh Remmie, nice to see you.  But really hon...there is nothing for us now.  All that was a long time ago."

Life started getting back to normal for everyone.  Club memberships came pouring in, hobby plaques in Arts and Crafts earned.

Resident Pop Sim Connor worked very hard on getting 20 Best friends before he decided to move out of the house.  He even made friends with the wolves that wondered onto the property.  And there were lots of them in the desert.  Yes, he was thinking of moving on.

The family continued painting together, whenever they could.  They were all individuals after all and were starting to develop interests that did not match their mother's vision of having a family of painters.

The day rolled around for Frannie's Grimmie party.  And it was a happy one.

Good bye Frannie...have a good Sim after life. here is something that is not addressed in the challenge rules.  The rules do not state how to handle the inheritance which seems to be directly against the basic challenge.  Before Frannie passed, the family had   $47,501 cash on hand, all earned from painting and novel writing, plus one "example to mess with" sold off.  Frannie wrote 6 novels after she became a senior.

After the inheritances were dolled out, the family had $114,339.  I had decided at the beginning of the challenge to move out siblings as room was needed for the next generation.  Either to make them townies, or use them for ghost colors.  In this case there are solid non townie plans for two of them, then we have the heiress.  That leaves four siblings that will probably see towniedom.  I have taken a decision to buy 10K of goods to stick in everyone's backpack, bringing the cash on hand back down close to what it was, adding the heiress's 10K in the bank.

Unfortunately that day was also Faith and Logan's birthday.  A small party was held.

Logan had a rough time of it growing up.  Hadn't really accomplished a lot in his short life so far, after all he was a Fortune Sim and was not allowed to do a lot of things that Fortune Sims like to do.  But he did like earning simoleons for painting.  Yes indeedy.

Faith on the hand handled aging up like a superstar.  Oh my, that blue dress matches her true blue eyes perfectly.

"Connor...  I didn't get to go to University.  I should have.  I should have insisted."

Connor:  "Look man.  You did what mom wanted.  You painted, for her.  That is all you could do.  She left you plenty to get by, and get started in life."

Being the oldest and the man of the house, Connor did have outside interests and did pursue them.  He loved Fatima Frugal.  He would go see her at her home in the trailer park.  He found out that Frannie had left Fatima some inheritance as well.  (It was around 2K).

They fell horribly in love, and Fatima wanted to get married.  Connor told her they would have to hold off, the time wasn't quite right.  But he would be there for her.

It was now Autumn, and everyone in the house wanted to become experts on topics other than painting.

Cooking, mechanical....

Natasha finally won the hobby plaque in painting, and then received a membership to a mechanic's place, of all things!

The first set of twins in the family - Connor and Sage were reaching plateaus as well.  Connor was becoming everyone's best friend, and Sage, well he won the hobby plaque in science.  This comes from doing so much stargazing.

Our heiress, Natasha was making sure she knew Remmie the was just a coincidence that his first name was the same as her father's.

What will happen next visit when Natasha has a birthday?  What about Connor and his vendetta to have twenty best friends and what about him and Fatima?  And why has Sage been doing so much stargazing?  All that and be answered!


I found it unreasonable that Frannie should pass on leaving all her baby daddies behind in the neighborhood to get another lady pregnant in the future. Sooooo....

All four men made a visit to the temp lot, where Rodney's Death Creator suddenly appeared.

Lets see...left to right.... Remington London - Death by Disease.  Alon Reiner - Death by Flies.  Jessie Capehart - Scared to Death.  BJ Ryan - Death by Satellite.


Yes, that is Cyd Roseland gawking at all the death and destruction.

The men now happily reside at the Dreamland Cemetery, where we may see them again in the future.  I have taken another decision...if the NPC baby daddies do not move in into the home, then they will pass on when the mamma does.  Seems only fitting.  Keeps the neighborhood fresh as well.  Eventually the game will start replacing NPCs with fresh faces.

Speaking....I was rolling around in SimPE...and I was unaware there are six different Headmasters already conjured up when a neighborhood starts.  Whut?  I just assumed they were promulgated when a replacement was needed. 

And....I did go ahead and open up Downtown for play, exposing more NPCs to meet our lovelies.  And I have decided to add "Life States" to the point system.  Two points for every different Supernatural family member.  The Supernatural must be born into the family.  This prevents moving in a vampire or witch.  Just to add some variety to the game.  Let's face it...constantly painting and writing books gets ho hum after a while.

Thanks for dropping by!


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