This is the last entry for Generation 3. Look at them. Pitiful. Arlan passed out from the heat.
Gomez: "Arlan! Arlan! Wakie wakie! Why you wear a rubber suit in a HOT TUB! We live in the desert, brother!" SMH
Jet: "Here you go boy! Enjoy!" Jet received Nature hobby points for taking care of the cowplant!
The first of MANY birthdays!
Willow Spartan
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Willow! Happy Birthday to you!
Sorry won't see that lifetime want. Boohoo!
When Willow became a toddler with all this hair, I didn't care for it. But I think I will allow it. She is growing into it. And she will keep that cute sundress too! It matches her hair.
Don't know this fellow's name..but he was on the lot. He grew up too!
Warren Spartan
The twin's dad managed to make it over to the party in between visits for the Private School.
Vince: "Go boy! Go Go Go!"
![]() | ![]() |
One Two Three...Wheeee! Wheeee! Wheeeee!
Warren Spartan
Have 50 Dream Dates
Hmmmm I dunno....this would take a lot of attention...but it sure is a fun LTW!!! Warren grew up with his grandpa Count Vlad's ski jump nose!
Mitzi! Why are you slappin' that old townie around....(Marquez Bostic, from Prosperity Falls).
Mitzi: "He crashed the twin's party! He was not invited!
But that does mean a face slappin'! You just ask him to leave. Shamie shamie!
Mitzi leans in to Marquezs' ear....Psst! Hey! There is a really nice plant out in the front yard you should see. It really is unusual.
Cowplant: BURP!!!
This happened so fast...I didn't see it. But it was fun. I love the cowplant! I don't get to play with him often.
The Next Morning.....
Paper boy: "Oh yummy! yummy! I sure can use a nice warm glass of milk this morning! I didn't have any breakfast."
The paperboy drinks Marquez's essence.
Arlan! Arlan! Go inside and have breakfast.
Arlan: "I would rather have cake instead. All the birthday cake from yesterday is gone."
Mitzi: "Oh my oldest brother. Now in the belly of the most unusual plant!"
Ophelia: "Dad is gone. My dad is gone. Boohoo!"
Orchid: "Daddy got eaten by a houseplant! WAAAAA!"
Willow: "Oh Ophelia. If there is anything I can do..."
Gomez, Willow, and Warren attempt to help cheer up Orchid. Then it happened.
It was the twins...again! Twinsies!
Ophelia was first. Need to start having the birthdays elsewhere...even this open floorplan isn't big enough for everyone to celebrate comfortably.
Reminder: Ophelia is a Knowledge Sim with a wish to become a World Class ballet Dancer. She will be an author.
Poor poor Ophelia....aspiration failure Her dad passed that day to the Sim Beyond, then she did not go to University on top of that. Jet...what are you doing....
Jet: "ASim, what come around goes around. Sophie stared and stared at me while I was out with Meredith".
ASim: "Dont you do anything untoward, Jet."
Orchid Spartan
Orchid: "Yay! Yippee! At least I get to have a birthday party. Sure wish Dad was here, though. He didn't live long enough to see me and Ophelia grow up!"
Orchid Spartan
Become City Planner
Poor poor Orchid. She suffered as well on her birthday. She is always nearly in aspiration desparation and is often found on the street corner begging for simoleons...although the family is very rich. The Townie who grew up with Orchid is Brittany Parker. Brittany is now an adult, having grown up with various Spartans over the years.
Orchid managed to hit the energizer when in low red. Didn't know this was possible????
The next day, same thing....
Accept this was a very special day. The torch was passed to Generation 4. It was Mitzi's birthday. All the trailer park cousins came (except for Sophie who was extraordinarily mean and weird), and of course her love, Vince Walter.
Mitzi: "Its okay ASim. I am done. Really done. I am looking forward to the retirement an author deserves." |
Vince: "HAHAHA "COUSIN CUJO" *sneer* you have that doofus of a Headmaster BJ Ryan's nose!"
Cousin Cujo: "Please don't disrespect my grandfather!"
Gomez: "Come on now Walters. You are the kids' dad and everything. Act like you deserve the respect they try to give you!"
Vince: "Oh come on now Spartan. I was only...woo. Woo...what is that...I don't feel so good...."
Vince: 'Oh hey looky at me! Ooh La La...there's that hot babe.."
Mitzi: "Oh are sumpin' else. Let's go to the bedroom."
Vince: "Wait just a second. I have something I need to clear up first."
Vince: "As for you, you whippersnapper! Don't even call me to try to get your kid into my school. I will pretend I don't know you."
Cousin Cujo: "Geeze old man. Back off!"
The party surprisingly ended as a GOOD TIME. The police came and broke it up. Luckily, before Vince and Cujo started rolling around in the dust.
And the quest to get another ghost color carries on.
Orchid had zero mechanical points.
Fixed two computers. Just so happens the ghosts will haunt them if no one is using them and renders them unusable.
A cheap trash compactor was installed a couple of days ago, and it broke after only a few uses.
And of course the little box set BJ Ryan gave to Frannie as a date gift was still going strong and only broke a couple of times over these years.
After fixing all that....Orchid had gained 3 mechanical skill points. Yay, go Orchid. smh
Evonne Spartan
Moved the party outside. Why had the Spartans not done this before??? Everyone had plenty of elbow room.
Evonne: "Ooooh my! So this is what it feels like to be a full woman! What do I want? Oh my, I want my childhood sweetheart to be a man so we can..ya together!"
But Evonne.....this is your birthday party. You have guests here!
Evonne: "Oh yes...including my love paperboy Derek Vijayaker."
Derek aged up right in the middle of a disagreement between Cousin Sophie (Miguel) Spartan's daughter Maeve, and this townie.
Derek: "Well now, this is surprising. I thought I had a few more years of teen-ager hood left."
Jet: "Woops! Evonne!"
Evonne: "Uncle Jet, there is room for more than one Romance Sim in this house. Go away."
And we end this vist...and Generation 3, with Generation 4 taking a roll in the hay. Seems fitting.
Ghostly Fun:
Arlan didn't wait long to come out of his grave and haunt. He visited his old friend, the Cowplant. Bright green, Death By Cowplant.
Do not grieve for Arlan, he was only shorted about eight hours of his life. It was his natural death day anyway. If he had not been gobbled by the cowplant, he would have died during Orchid and Ophelia's birthday party. That would have been BAD. He did ok for himself.
Think Generation 4 will find themselves on a new lot in a bigger house. yeah.
As I promised last generation here is the financial status of the Starving Artists:
Net Worth: $781,862
Cash on hand: $700,588
This is painting and book writing, and the occasional date gift. The aspiration perk for Fortune Sims of receiving money for financial counseling and investing in the stock market is not turned on. Yes, I would say that it is possible to live, and live nicely on nothing but book writing and painting.
What is happening at the (not) Trailer Park?
The oldest, Darren, aged up to elder right away. Go you, Darren!
Next was his twin, Dominick. Yay for them!
Beautiful mean Sophie (Miguel) Spartan reached TOC and became Perm Plat. That left only Maeve and the Servo Eamon not Perm Plat in the house.
At this point things got really crazy. ASimWen had her finger on the button she *thought* was taking pictures, as FRAPS was running, for sure. A fire broke out when Eamon was cooking, and he was fully skilled out. I thought, well, let's see what happens so I didn't intervene for a bit. Ginger Newsome was on the lot, as well as the landlord who comes home from work with Darren.
The fire raged and raged. Ginger caught on fire, I felt bad so had Eamon and Darren start putting out flames. Dominick was out back exercising on the ballet barre. Maeve and Sophie ran into the middle of the fire. Two counters go, the stove goes, the fridge goes. Landlord finally gets some sense and leaves. So does Ginger. Dominick runs in. I couldn't have gotten anyone to call the fire dept if I wanted to. Cousin Cujo was the first to go. Sad. He was my favorite in the house. So nice.
Sophie tried to extinguish her daughter Maeve. Too far gone. Buh-bye Maeve. Darren and Eamon doggedly run their fire extinguishers. Finally am able to get Dominick to call the fire dept...they come in and put out the last of the flames. So I am thinking...I still have the oldest twins Dominick and Darren...and Sophie. But the night was still young.
Dominick faints from exhaustion. Let him rest on the floor, Sophie and Eamon clean up the mess while Darren goes to bed. I rebuild the kitchen. Sophie goes outside to get on the ballet barre, and gets struck by lightening. NO WAY. So I let her take care of her needs to see if she can snap out of it. I am busy watching her....then notice Darren's icon is not there???? ??? Is he dead? Yup. There is an urn by the bed where he was sleeping. Ugh. Put the grave outside in the family cemetery.
Come morning Sophie is still alive. Dominick wakes up from his stupor and immediately dies. Here comes Grim.
So I am thinking all I have here is Sophie and Eamon. Nope. Not gonna play 'em. It is Friday morning and decide to play thru on speed three to see ghost colors.
Dominick - Blue. Death by Starvation. Darren - Pink. Scared to Death. Maeve also Death by Fire. Did not see Cousin Cujo's..but it would be red. Death by Fire.
And to top it off....
Sophie was fired from her Law job and busted down to File Clerk. Nope. I am done with this lot. They served their gain some Uni aspiration rewards to pass along to the Starving Artists. And they did.
Good bye Satellite House.
Oh but what about their money???
Cash on hand: $1,168,718
Net Worth: $1,233,345
I will miss Cousin Cujo.......
Next is Generation 4 back at the Starving Artist House!
Have fun everyone, and thanks for stopping by!
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